Friday, March 10, 2017

BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE NEWS presents an INTERVIEW with "THE MAN WHO SHOT DONALD TRUMP..." Plus Reports from Mexican Border, The ATT Scandel and MORE Plus The Free Magazine Download


BUREAU : What initially brought you to Photography ?

Harry BENSON : My father who founded the Calder Park Zoo in Glasgow also lectured at several universities and wrote a column for Scottish Field on animals.  He gave me a Brownie camera at age 12 and I photographed the animals in the zoo.  When I was 16, my photograph of a roe deer was published in a Scottish newspaper I was very proud. I wanted to be at the center of what was happening in the world, in the news. 

BUREAU : Can You recall early influences, Films, Newspapers, other imagery ?

HB: My mother used to take me to the cinema—James Cagney gangster films and Fred Astaire Hollywood musicals.  I knew I wanted to go to America. A photograph in the Scottish newspaper of the Lindberg baby who had been kidnapped impressed me when I was a child—my parents saying how awful it was and I knew I wanted to be involved with reporting on the news.

BUREAU : Your images seem to match the subject with their actual art and or energy, discuss approach, when dealing with The Subject of Portraiture.

HB: My view of portraiture—I want to show people as they really are, how they want to be, not what I think they should be. That’s why I must prefer photographing people in their own environment rather than in a studio.

BUREAU : You photographed Donald Trump possibly more than any other photographer, noticed any changes ?

HB: No I don’t think he has changed. 

BUREAU : Your Glasgow Pictures are full of both grit and zeal, discuss your Scottish Roots and what that means to you.

HB: My early Glasgow pictures were taken first as a wedding photographer and then covering Scotland for the Scottish Daily Sketch before going to London’s Fleet Street.  There were about 12 daily newspapers competing on the same stories and you wanted to beat the competition by getting the exclusive photos each day. It was exciting and you had to outsmart the competition. 

BUREAU : The Beatles Images are currently being celebrated in the new film, tell us how that developed. 

HB: My assignment to photograph The Beatles on their trip to Paris in January 1964 came late one night as I was packing to go to Africa on assignment.  The picture editor said, “The editor wants you to go to Paris.” That was that, you do what you’re told. And it was there they were told “I Want to Hold Your Hand” was number one on the American charts and they were going to NY to be on the Ed Sullivan TV show and I was going with them.  When I heard the music I knew I was on the right story. Beatlemania turned it from a music story into a news story almost overnight. 

BUREAU : You are a Photographers that has seen an entire transformation of the medium, both in equipment and in the publishing industry, where is photography headed ? 

HB: All I know is it just keeps changing! I started taking photographs with a plate camera, now I use only digital, and everyone in the world is a photographer with a cell phone.  Let them enjoy themselves! 

BUREAU : Why do you think, at the most base level, that humans have a deep need to document, in the way we do ?

HB: Everyone or most everyone at least, likes to remember happy times with their family or fun vacations they have had or special occasions like marriage or birthdays, and photographs are a good way to remember the happy or even the sad times in a person’s life. 

BUREAU : Out of all the uses one expresses with a camera, what are your favorites ?

HB: Documenting events which in time may become historic events  is what I like to do most. 

BUREAU : Does any One Image stand out in your career ?

HB: It is hard for me to single out a certain photograph as being the one I find most important in my career.  My career has been a photographic journey over the last 60 years that defines my life.

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BUREAU FREE PREVIOUS EDITIONS  http://joshuatriliegi.wix.com/joshuatriliegi 

bureau of arts and culture magazine edited by joshua a. triliegi,   bureau of arts and culture contributing photographers:  norman seef, melissa ann pinney, kwame brathwaite, art shay, laura stevens, craig reilly, walter rothwell, sandy skoglund, rich helmer, stephen sommerstein, herb ritts, jack english, alex harris, gered mankowitz, bohnchang koo, natsumi hayashi, raymond depardon, t. enami, dennis stock, dina litovsky, guillermo cervera, moises saman, cathleen naundorf, terry richardson, phil stern, dennis morris, henry diltz, steve schapiro, yousuf karsh, ellen von unwerth, william claxton, robin holland, andrew moore, james gabbard, mary ellen mark, john robert rowlands, brian duffy, robert frank, jon lewis, john weston, sven hans, david levinthal, joshua white, brian forrest, lorna stovall, elliott erwitt, rene burri, susan wright, david leventhal, peter van agtmael, mathilde grafström , steve coleman  bureau of arts and culture contributing guest artists:   erik olson, christopher stott, irby pace, max ginsburg, nathan walsh, jon swihart, f. scott hess, ho ryon lee, andy moses, kahn & selesnick, jules engel, patrick lee, david palumbo, tom gregg, tony fitzpatrick, gary lang, fabrizio casetta, dj hall, david febland, eric zener, seeroon yeretzian, dawn jackson, charles dickson, ernesto delaloza, diana wong, gustavo godoy, john weston, kris kuksi, bomonster, hiroshi ariyama, linda stark, kota ezawa, russell nachman, katsushika hokusai. xuan chen  bureau of arts and culture special thanks:  little tokyo los angeles, marcos lutyens, random house, knopf publishing, columbia university, joyce carol oates, sean connery, seattle art museum, whitney museum, irvine welsh, andy warhol foundation, city lights bookstore, joan schulze, nymoma, cantor arts center, stanford university, pace/macgill gallery, national gallery of art, georgia o'keefe museum of art, fresno art museum, fine arts center colorado springs, duke university, the broad la, phoenix art museum, wadsworth atheneum museum of art, art institute of chicago, museum of fine arts boston, crystal bridges, united artists, spot photo works, museum of fine art huston texas, gallerie urbane, mary boone gallery, pace gallery, asian art museum, magnum photo, chicago museum of contemporary art, fahey/ klein gallery, tobey c. moss gallery, sandra gehring gallery, george billis gallery, martin - gropius - bau berlin, san jose museum of art, downtown records, koplin del rio, robert berman, american film institute, sfmoma,  photo la, jewish contemporary museum, yale collection rare books, richard levy.

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" How to be a President " 

by J. A.  TRILIEGI   /  2 . 17 . 17

Dear Sir, 

First of all congratulations, you have achieved the impossible. And, yes, most likely, you are not a 'bad guy,' o.k, we got that out of the way, good ratings too, granted. Now, here is the real dilemma. All these Republicans hate your guts, and here you are, in a position to work with them, because you ran as a Republican. But let us be honest, and deep down, I think you realize that, you are neither a Rep nor a Dem, you are an Independent, and many of your base, and the others, see you as such: so then, why become a total puppet for extreme Conservatism ?  You don't have to do that,  you can work with the entire country, there is no need to feed off of divided ideals. That is so obvious. Why not surprise people with some heartfelt moves that would put you in a position to really be liked, respected and admired. A President is the father of a country, the reporters that oppose you, want to see a father they can trust, respect and admire, so then, give them one. Aligning yourself with extreme right wing leaders, is not the only way to fly this ship. If you let the Reps do all the work, and become a showman for their game, you may, at a later date, regret the situation. You have made it to the big time sir, and now the hard work begins. A whole lot of people are going to hand you speeches, give you information and tell you where to stand and what to say, some of that is necessary, most of that, is not at all your style. Somewhere in you is a humanist, a man who would like, very much, to be liked, and, deep down inside, all Americans, want to like their leader, so then, do things through policy, protect us sir, which means, keeping the EPA a thriving entity, after all, it was Richard Nixon whom invented the damn department to begin with. There is no reason whatsoever to be so, 'strong,' that you cannot be compassionate to all Americans, even liberals, ethnic minorities and yes people of all faiths. 911 was a long time ago, very few Americans see that as a threat and quite frankly, scare tactics are rather transparent, as many of us in the general populist are rather hip to conspiracy theory and the big brother game, so, no need to fabricate another event and or exaggerate an issue.  Ecology is important, if you want to rip the earth to pieces or start a false war, just look at the legacy of George Bush Jr or Nixon in Vietnam, how lame would that be ?  Claiming that you got wrong information, is not going to fly, sir, we already went through that with others. Appoint some moderates.

You are the father of our country, and wether you like it or not, and or realize how deep and lasting the decisions you will make are, it is time to slow down, accept your fate, and do some serious studying of Presidents in the past. I even think, it would be smart to align yourself with recent Presidents of both parties. Actually listen and learn from their mistakes. Do not let ego and past ways of thinking muddle your idea of Independence, a true leader will lead in both directions. You owe it to lead America, not just your voters. For instance, punishing the Arizona economy and McCain for opposing you, is a transparent move, much like withholding funds from Berkeley because a bunch of young people are angry, and may have every reason to be. These moves, even in a casual reaction, seem weak and even selfish or close minded. Your voters got you in, but now you have an entire country on your hands, that is an awesome responsibility. Many of us are beautiful people sir, we may not have money or property, or even well paying  jobs, but we are Americans.  And by the way, who will do the work that the lower middle class workers of latin dissent currently contract ? Not your voters. While we are at it, why pick on Muslims ? I mean really, is that a danger to us ? There have been some serious missteps, and so that is par for the course, but must those continue ? This is going to sound rather 'out there,' but what we really need is a steady and honest self appraisal, if you make a mistake, admit it. Americans are extremely forgiving when faced with honesty. It is going to be a while before you get a well oiled machine in place, and that's okay, considering your background. You are not a politician, and yet you are our President, people understand that. Forget about getting everything correct the first time around and please, consider being the President for All Americans. Why should you alienate a major portion of your audience ?  They say that 50+% percent didn't even vote, but, you are still their President, and wether we like it or not, you are now my President, and I'll be damned if I am going to see you get chewed up by the press, play puppet to the Reps and alienate the Democratic base, some of whom are bright people., just because, thats what the past style has been. Because you are not really a politician, you could do things differently. Surprised by all of this ? Yeah, so am I, but I can't spend the next four, or as you stated, possibly, eight years, railing against your every decision. Especially since I exclaimed that this, 'MotherF#@r,' to quote you, 'will never be President.' So, instead, you are going to hear from me directly and honestly, as if you were a member of my team, Team America, The UNITED STATES of AMERICA. If you get so isolated, they will have you spinning, and someone, from the real world, needs to keep your mind open, I am one of those someones. Presumptuous on my part ? Your damn right it is, but hey, you are the one who became President, so then, here we go. Oh, by the way, I am going to take a lot of heat for this, but I don't care. I love this country too much to tweet and rant and write articles opposing your policies for years on end. So, lets do this directly. Man to man, Citizen to President. Yes ?

Suggestions: make peace with Native Americans, they are so well loved Internationally. They represent such a sacred and important part of our nation, do right by them. Why turn back and alienate Women and the right to control their own destiny, it is an absurd notion, you have daughters, let them decide their fate, regarding childbirth. What does it hurt to have African Americans with well paying jobs, affordable schooling and the possibility to own or rent at affordable prices ? Is it not better for the economy ? Does that not insure less crime in the so called inner city ? The across the board blanket Conservative ideologues have it wrong, that's why they lost the election to YOU. Why should you lead like the clowns that you, 'blew out of the water,' to use a Southern California surfers term. Lets face it, those dudes bit the dust. And, I have to admit, all of the democrats and the liberals and everyone else in America, enjoyed watching you beat their asses, if you don't mind me saying so. I enjoyed it very much. Imagine how much money they spent combined ? Okay, so lets look at this again for a minute. Much of what happened, was based on a backlash from the Obama years, which, off the record, as this whole communication is, were actually pretty good. I know you have to espouse otherwise, but when we look at the numbers and the vibe, the dude did pretty well, and yes he was likable. So then, who is Donald Trump the leader ? He is not the guy who held the rally's, no way. Sure, off the cuff is cool, but constantly clever, quick and reactionary is not necessarily going to get their respect, and getting them to fear you, at least us Americans, is kind of lame, its always a short term gag, and then leads to the disgruntled, simmering hatred, that you won't enjoy. We don't mind if other leaders fear you, but treat us with respect. We are Americans sir and many of us and especially the youth are ethnic, we come from all over the world: America is The World. Imagine that you are the leader of the world and you will have a better idea of what's actually happening here. And lastly, a subject I hate to breach, but must, America is more than a business and yet Wall Street is already wondering what you are up to, obviously so is the entire Democratic base, considering your taxes : Dude, this is really uncool and you gotta do something here quick. Some of us think you are just waiting to get kicked out so the puppet masters can take over. How lame for you would that be ? And look what happened with Reagan and Bush senior, that's some scary history. I for one, like many on the intellectual front, await an emergence of character, independence, growth and shared experience. One more thing, women like Cher and Susan Sarandon and Meryl Streep are really loved, respected and admired by those of us in The Arts. Now that you are the Man, make peace with the Artists, Writers, Musicians and Activists, they are an important part of The American Fabric. Be strong, but, do not battle Individuals, use humor, but use it wisely and remember: You are The President, Sir. 


BUREAU NEWS Would like to commend and recognize The Mainstream Press for recently reporting and holding Integrity and Honesty to the Ideal in which WE AMERICANS care for and support. This may indeed be a temporary reveal, because, much of what is said, cannot be separated from ADVERTISERS, which include AEROSPACE CONTRACTORS, BIG MEDICINE and Our FOOD Suppliers, though, as of Mid February 2017, respect must be paid, and so we mention these three Reporters for their Service.


1.  CHUCK TODD :  https://twitter.com/chucktodd 
For Steadfastly and Patiently asking The Questions that Matter. 

2.  JAKE TAPPER : https://twitter.com/jaketapper 
For Simply stating his opinions that reflect many of The U.S. Audience.

3.  PETER ALEXANDER : https://twitter.com/PeterAlexander
For Informing Washington D.C. as to simple Grade School Math. 







BUREAU MAGAZINE TWITTER https://twitter.com/JoshuaTriliegi 

BUREAU NEW YORK CITY TWITTER https://twitter.com/BureauNewYorkCity 

BUREAU NEWS TWITTER https://twitter.com/BureauNewsNow 

BUREAU SAN FRANCISCO TWITTER  https://twitter.com/BayAreaBureau

BUREAU FREE PREVIOUS EDITIONS  http://joshuatriliegi.wix.com/joshuatriliegi 

ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL Part One in a Series of Reports by J. A. TRILIEGI JANUARY 25, 2017     All along the border, double fences topped with barbed wire, trail across the land like so many scars on the flesh of a beaten horse. Humans of all shape and size, age and color, wander on either side, like ants, gathering bits of this and that, simply to survive.  The border itself is well fortified. Giant steel posts thrust upwards in a multiple vertical fashion, cold, grey, metal, blocks of concrete and men with guns, stand on either side, they are doing time, they are doing their job, they are taking orders, by a government, by a policy and by a code of service, which may very well, hurt their families, their future and themselves. As for international relations, well, "We The People …," have got some real work to do.    Rain trickles down, unlike finances, in abundance, on both sides of the border. Drops of  h2o feel the same from either side. This reporter walks across the great divide, entering simply to see, to observe, to experience and to meet the people of Mexico, or at least, the people of Baja California, which is not exactly, 'M - e - x - i - c - o,' in the same way that, Ellis island, is not exactly, 'A - m - e - r - i - c - a.'  And yet, there they are, offering this gringo a taxi ride to and fro. I am on a budget, no publisher or editor or local or national or international publisher would sponsor this sojourn, so I have travelled by bus, a simple twenty dollars from Downtown Los Angeles into Baja, and another 200 pesos, which is ten dollars, gets me into the tourist port town of Ensenada. A destination for the Princess Cruises. In olden day, frat boys, surfers, and tourists of all types descended upon this lovely destination in search of debauchery, coastal beauty and artifacts such as clothes, furniture, objects of value, offered, for much less than anywhere else. Decades of taking have left its mark on this locale, and yet, the new world, the world of technology. the world of commercial enterprise, the world of modern banking has emerged, and stands side by side with the ancient  world, we have mythologized about this great land, the land of the Maya and the Spanish Conquistador, mixed, long ago, to create this special race of people, we know as Mexicans and their country: Mexico. History tells us of a country that once sprawled much further north, into the continent that we, as Americans, now inhabit, California, Arizona New Mexico, Texas, etc…  The Southwest border states, where, we are now told, that a wall, will be built. As we drive south, over the first hurdle of hills into Ensenada, I can see a double fence, so high, that my eyes have trouble actually measuring its vertical height. Were I forced to estimate, I would guess that the swirling, jagged, barbed wire top sits at least some twenty or so feet in height ? As we drive up and over, I recall the early days of visits to Mexico, taking this same route, with my father, to see the bullfights, with my friends to Surf the coast, and as an artist, simply in search of something different in culture, lifestyle and respite. Since that time, I have been told, by my government, by my friends and by highly propagandized stories of struggle, anguish and fear of overlords, that this place is not safe to visit.    The Western Coast and indeed, the California route from North to South, has a beauty, that is unrivaled and Baja California is no exception. Choose  any one mile section of Carmel or Big Sur or Malibu or Baja, and, you will find, they are identical. The earth, the flower, the fauna, the water, the light are all the same. Green valleys peppered with long stretches of two lane highways, merge into gold, rust and creme colored edges that jut downward into rocky cliffs, bays, full with blue, turquoise and white topped waves that careen into the coastal edge. I am on a tourist bus, for the first time in my life. I focus on the coast, as my fellow passengers watch some such film being projected on a television screen, mounted high above their heads. American actors faces dubbed into spanish incongruously describe a false drama that does not relate to the landscape of the earth, the coast, the real beauty of a continent that we share with others. We share this continent with more than one country, that is clear to me, the politics of borders and policies and current views, are not at all as clear as the very FACT, that We share this continent with others.     The tour bus pulls into Ensenada proper, and already I can see a great indian past, the textures of Baja Mexico, are not at all unlike those of Rome or Tokyo or Bangladesh, the history is evident. The street corners, bus stop benches, and even the surface of the streets themselves speak to the viewer, "Where have you been and where are you going ?" I have no answer. I am seeking simply to see what is here now, and what I see are thousands of people walking to and from their homes, their jobs, their responsibilities to whomever and wherever and whatever. Then it comes to me, "Why I am here?"  Some time ago, I jokingly told a group of Mexican maids that if Mr. Donald Trump becomes the President of the United States of America, that I will be in Mexico on the day that this incident occurs, and so, I kept my promise, for in less than a day, this man will become the next President of our great country.   Besides occupying my time as a Journalist of some fledgling notoriety, I also write literature of a varying style and length: Screenplays, Short Stories and a Novel, so far.  It comes to mind that many in the industry including, Matthew McConaghy, Matt Damon and Ryan Gosling, all very white men of some talent, are married to women with descendants of the latin variety, men whom derive from Texas, from Boston from Canada. A symbol of the sharing of this continent, we call, America. And still we are told that a wall will be built: A Wall. A fence guards against entry, a wall blocks ones view, in obscuring views, perception and reality can be manipulated, like blinders, does this new government wish to obscure our views of one another ? To block our vision ?  To control our vista's as well as our Visa's ? It appears so. The Great Wall of China, The Berlin Wall, Pink Floyd's song lyrics from 'The Wall,' explains something about this policy, that most likely, a scared white man in power is, "… Just Another Brick in The WALL."     Like much of America, during the banking bailouts, some eight years ago, Mexico too has been pervaded by a proliferation of Banks. All over Mexico, young upwardly mobile individuals have been employed by this new modern system of checking and deposits, transfers and exchanges. A map of Mexico displays and amazingly flourishing economy of some sort, while on a near by television screen, an attractive young lady speaks excitingly about the new opportunities and services offered by this new technological wonder of modernity. Though this particular town has always had its own economy, and, long before these new technological advances gave them surveillance, invasions of privacy and the desecration of  anonymity, this little town had and still retains the old ways of knowing who is here, what they have with them and where they are going, with whom and why. The gained or earned - through - experience, survival skills, of any port or pirate town that, for over a hundred years, has found ways to survive its visitors, its inhabitants and even, it's conquistadors. In this particular case, the Indian past, sits side by side the technological future,  old world and new world meet, they make eye contact, they understand one another, they may even assist one another.     Pacific Coast Highway is not Malibu, just as Santa Monica is not Los Angeles and Big Sur is not Northern California. Suffice it to say, that the Coastal Section of Ensenada is not Baja California, by any means. And certainly Baja as a whole, is not at all a representation of Mexico, though, it is safe to say, if you speak to individuals, a bank teller, a bus driver, a casual man or woman on the street, you are indeed talking to a real Mexican, with real human concerns about a very real world that they are living in. I check into my hotel, the room is roughly 12 US dollars and some change, laundry is washed, dried and folded just across the way for under a dollar, fresh food at the local market is priced as such that I find myself giving bags I have purchased for mine own, to those I meet along the way. The first evening passes quickly, rain whips through the town, the streets flooded with over a foot of water in the lower regions.   Inauguration day arrives without much fanfare here, the television in the hotel lobby displays little about Mr Trump. I am beginning to realize that, the populist of Mexico have already been prepared for this new leader, they understand that American Presidents and most likely all leaders of major powers in the world, then and now, are what they are, a symbol, a face, or, if we search for the latin derivative source: simply a Facade. One need only walk a mile or so east, to find that Mexico, is not unlike any other place in the California's. Middle class neighborhoods lined with houses on either side, one and a half cars per home, some folks living at a higher elevation in the upper middle class areas and those whom own businesses, land and expanses of property of all variety. It is much like any place in the world, some people have money and some people do not. We have heard the new American Presidents criticism's over the past year regarding this country,  its people,  its past, it's problems. Something comes to mind, as I walk through town, a question arises, " Does any Country in the world send us their best ?" and conversely, "Do we send any other country our best ?"  Australia's history tells a story of disbanded and exported individuals whose personal history was somewhat sorted, at least by its own monarchy's point of view, and yet, they seem to have created a land of promise, fortitude and originality, and within that,  ab-origin-ality too.  Yes, this is digressive, but worthy of note, very worthy.     My clothing is soaked, from top to bottom. I carry my possessions over the shoulder. I am in a country that is not my own. I have little finances, neither a job, nor, a relative in town. I do not speak the language fluently. In essence, for this brief moment in time:  I am a Mexican in America. Now I am beginning to understand the beauty, the stoic and sometimes exhilarating aspects of searching to find something more. In this case, I am seeking to learn more about the border, it's realities, it's myths and it's challenges, while many of those among me, are looking for, a better job, some more income, possibly an opportunity, wether imagined or real. I drop off my clothes at the laundry. By the time I pick them up, an hour or so later, several locals are sitting on a couch, watching the television, which displays Mr. Donald Trump uttering the words, "…So help me God." Within a week, he has ordered the building of a wall, the closing of EPA protections and reopening an Oil Pipeline straight through America. My clothes are clean, my conscious is clear and my country is in trouble.
ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL Part One in a Series of Reports by J. A. TRILIEGI JANUARY 25, 2017 

Part One in a Series of Reports by J. A. TRILIEGI JANUARY 25, 2017 

All along the border, double fences topped with barbed wire, trail across the land like so many scars on the flesh of a beaten horse. Humans of all shape and size, age and color, wander on either side, like ants, gathering bits of this and that, simply to survive.  The border itself is well fortified. Giant steel posts thrust upwards in a multiple vertical fashion, cold, grey, metal, blocks of concrete and men with guns, stand on either side, they are doing time, they are doing their job, they are taking orders, by a government, by a policy and by a code of service, which may very well, hurt their families, their future and themselves. As for international relations, well, "We The People …," have got some real work to do. 

Rain trickles down, unlike finances, in abundance, on both sides of the border. Drops of  h2o feel the same from either side. This reporter walks across the great divide, entering simply to see, to observe, to experience and to meet the people of Mexico, or at least, the people of Baja California, which is not exactly, 'M - e - x - i - c - o,' in the same way that, Ellis island, is not exactly, 'A - m - e - r - i - c - a.'  And yet, there they are, offering this gringo a taxi ride to and fro. I am on a budget, no publisher or editor or local or national or international publisher would sponsor this sojourn, so I have travelled by bus, a simple twenty dollars from Downtown Los Angeles into Baja, and another 200 pesos, which is ten dollars, gets me into the tourist port town of Ensenada. A destination for the Princess Cruises. In olden day, frat boys, surfers, and tourists of all types descended upon this lovely destination in search of debauchery, coastal beauty and artifacts such as clothes, furniture, objects of value, offered, for much less than anywhere else. Decades of taking have left its mark on this locale, and yet, the new world, the world of technology. the world of commercial enterprise, the world of modern banking has emerged, and stands side by side with the ancient  world, we have mythologized about this great land, the land of the Maya and the Spanish Conquistador, mixed, long ago, to create this special race of people, we know as Mexicans and their country: Mexico. History tells us of a country that once sprawled much further north, into the continent that we, as Americans, now inhabit, California, Arizona New Mexico, Texas, etc…  The Southwest border states, where, we are now told, that a wall, will be built. As we drive south, over the first hurdle of hills into Ensenada, I can see a double fence, so high, that my eyes have trouble actually measuring its vertical height. Were I forced to estimate, I would guess that the swirling, jagged, barbed wire top sits at least some twenty or so feet in height ? As we drive up and over, I recall the early days of visits to Mexico, taking this same route, with my father, to see the bullfights, with my friends to Surf the coast, and as an artist, simply in search of something different in culture, lifestyle and respite. Since that time, I have been told, by my government, by my friends and by highly propagandized stories of struggle, anguish and fear of overlords, that this place is not safe to visit. 

The Western Coast and indeed, the California route from North to South, has a beauty, that is unrivaled and Baja California is no exception. Choose  any one mile section of Carmel or Big Sur or Malibu or Baja, and, you will find, they are identical. The earth, the flower, the fauna, the water, the light are all the same. Green valleys peppered with long stretches of two lane highways, merge into gold, rust and creme colored edges that jut downward into rocky cliffs, bays, full with blue, turquoise and white topped waves that careen into the coastal edge. I am on a tourist bus, for the first time in my life. I focus on the coast, as my fellow passengers watch some such film being projected on a television screen, mounted high above their heads. American actors faces dubbed into spanish incongruously describe a false drama that does not relate to the landscape of the earth, the coast, the real beauty of a continent that we share with others. We share this continent with more than one country, that is clear to me, the politics of borders and policies and current views, are not at all as clear as the very FACT, that We share this continent with others. 

The tour bus pulls into Ensenada proper, and already I can see a great indian past, the textures of Baja Mexico, are not at all unlike those of Rome or Tokyo or Bangladesh, the history is evident. The street corners, bus stop benches, and even the surface of the streets themselves speak to the viewer, "Where have you been and where are you going ?" I have no answer. I am seeking simply to see what is here now, and what I see are thousands of people walking to and from their homes, their jobs, their responsibilities to whomever and wherever and whatever. Then it comes to me, "Why I am here?"  Some time ago, I jokingly told a group of Mexican maids that if Mr. Donald Trump becomes the President of the United States of America, that I will be in Mexico on the day that this incident occurs, and so, I kept my promise, for in less than a day, this man will become the next President of our great country. 

Besides occupying my time as a Journalist of some fledgling notoriety, I also write literature of a varying style and length: Screenplays, Short Stories and a Novel, so far.  It comes to mind that many in the industry including, Matthew McConaghy, Matt Damon and Ryan Gosling, all very white men of some talent, are married to women with descendants of the latin variety, men whom derive from Texas, from Boston from Canada. A symbol of the sharing of this continent, we call, America. And still we are told that a wall will be built: A Wall. A fence guards against entry, a wall blocks ones view, in obscuring views, perception and reality can be manipulated, like blinders, does this new government wish to obscure our views of one another ? To block our vision ?  To control our vista's as well as our Visa's ? It appears so. The Great Wall of China, The Berlin Wall, Pink Floyd's song lyrics from 'The Wall,' explains something about this policy, that most likely, a scared white man in power is, "… Just Another Brick in The WALL."  

Like much of America, during the banking bailouts, some eight years ago, Mexico too has been pervaded by a proliferation of Banks. All over Mexico, young upwardly mobile individuals have been employed by this new modern system of checking and deposits, transfers and exchanges. A map of Mexico displays and amazingly flourishing economy of some sort, while on a near by television screen, an attractive young lady speaks excitingly about the new opportunities and services offered by this new technological wonder of modernity. Though this particular town has always had its own economy, and, long before these new technological advances gave them surveillance, invasions of privacy and the desecration of  anonymity, this little town had and still retains the old ways of knowing who is here, what they have with them and where they are going, with whom and why. The gained or earned - through - experience, survival skills, of any port or pirate town that, for over a hundred years, has found ways to survive its visitors, its inhabitants and even, it's conquistadors. In this particular case, the Indian past, sits side by side the technological future,  old world and new world meet, they make eye contact, they understand one another, they may even assist one another. 

Pacific Coast Highway is not Malibu, just as Santa Monica is not Los Angeles and Big Sur is not Northern California. Suffice it to say, that the Coastal Section of Ensenada is not Baja California, by any means. And certainly Baja as a whole, is not at all a representation of Mexico, though, it is safe to say, if you speak to individuals, a bank teller, a bus driver, a casual man or woman on the street, you are indeed talking to a real Mexican, with real human concerns about a very real world that they are living in. I check into my hotel, the room is roughly 12 US dollars and some change, laundry is washed, dried and folded just across the way for under a dollar, fresh food at the local market is priced as such that I find myself giving bags I have purchased for mine own, to those I meet along the way. The first evening passes quickly, rain whips through the town, the streets flooded with over a foot of water in the lower regions.

Inauguration day arrives without much fanfare here, the television in the hotel lobby displays little about Mr Trump. I am beginning to realize that, the populist of Mexico have already been prepared for this new leader, they understand that American Presidents and most likely all leaders of major powers in the world, then and now, are what they are, a symbol, a face, or, if we search for the latin derivative source: simply a Facade. One need only walk a mile or so east, to find that Mexico, is not unlike any other place in the California's. Middle class neighborhoods lined with houses on either side, one and a half cars per home, some folks living at a higher elevation in the upper middle class areas and those whom own businesses, land and expanses of property of all variety. It is much like any place in the world, some people have money and some people do not. We have heard the new American Presidents criticism's over the past year regarding this country,  its people,  its past, it's problems. Something comes to mind, as I walk through town, a question arises, " Does any Country in the world send us their best ?" and conversely, "Do we send any other country our best ?"  Australia's history tells a story of disbanded and exported individuals whose personal history was somewhat sorted, at least by its own monarchy's point of view, and yet, they seem to have created a land of promise, fortitude and originality, and within that,  ab-origin-ality too.  Yes, this is digressive, but worthy of note, very worthy. 

My clothing is soaked, from top to bottom. I carry my possessions over the shoulder. I am in a country that is not my own. I have little finances, neither a job, nor, a relative in town. I do not speak the language fluently. In essence, for this brief moment in time:  I am a Mexican in America. Now I am beginning to understand the beauty, the stoic and sometimes exhilarating aspects of searching to find something more. In this case, I am seeking to learn more about the border, it's realities, it's myths and it's challenges, while many of those among me, are looking for, a better job, some more income, possibly an opportunity, wether imagined or real. I drop off my clothes at the laundry. By the time I pick them up, an hour or so later, several locals are sitting on a couch, watching the television, which displays Mr. Donald Trump uttering the words, "…So help me God." Within a week, he has ordered the building of a wall, the closing of EPA protections and reopening an Oil Pipeline straight through America. My clothes are clean, my conscious is clear and my country is in trouble.  
             Part One in a Series of Reports by J. A. TRILIEGI  /  JANUARY 25, 2017


by BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE News / Writer J. A. TRILIEGI

Many of us, in the American populist, and in the press, those aware of the creeping invasion of privacy issues, that have blurred considerably, since 911, between church, between business and between state, regarding the public's privacy of communications and other related matters, concerning the sharing of information on Individuals with local, state and federal authorities, have been waiting for a fallout of some sort, to no avail. Most journalists have had a strong understanding of these issues and how they now pertain to, not just the firemen, policemen, highway patrol and the sheriff's department's sharing so-called, 'information,' about average, below average and above average Americans, in the name of 'Homeland Security,' all the while, dispersing funds, for the gathering of that information, to new and  poorly trained non professionals in departments as low level as Transit Authority and related businesses such as taxi's and other public transportations that connect people with airplanes, boats and ships. 

"There may have just been a crack in the wall, that someday soon, could lead to some brave Individual or Politician actually pushing that wall of invasive laws, originally passed for our safety, and now being used for profit, to the ground."

Now, at least things are out in the open with what is now commonly called, "PROJECT HEMISPHERE," [ link provided below ]. Many concerned have had their hands tied by The Patriot Act, which absolves the government from seeking prior permission to delve into our lives, at will, at whimsy, and or, any other false leads, that may be pointed at private individuals who may seek to stand firm in the actual American Constitution and or The Bill of Rights. There may have just been a crack in the wall, that someday soon, could lead to some brave Individual or Politician actually pushing that wall of invasive laws, originally passed for our safety, and now being used for profit, to the ground.  It has been reported recently, in The Daily Beast, [ link provided below]  that ATT is selling that private information for actual dollars, while we, the public, are paying them to provide an important communication service. Now the plot thickens as ATT wishes to purchase Time Warner which includes HBO, and CNN, just to name a few Companies listed under that umbrella. 

"The ideal vision of a world of one has now been easily manipulated into a Gossip Column of One, which wishes to bully, control, scare and manipulate individuals of any sort, who may speak their mind, expose the truth, make a difference, or dammit, just express themselves as AMERICANS."

The American public is in for a rude awakening as these corporations and companies slowly dissolve our privacy, while many Americans are too busy, either surviving, working, going to school, or worse, actually enjoying the mindless sharing of information, cooperating with this surveillance game, about their neighbors, their workmates and their representatives, that it appears as if CONFORMITY, by those in power and those with none at all, see this game as something that they might be able to utilize. Anybody with long term goals, anybody with a sense of history, anybody with a moral compass not being pointed directly at anyone else, except themselves, can see the problems here. The ideal vision of a world of one has now been easily manipulated into a Gossip Column of One, which wishes to bully, control, scare and manipulate individuals of any sort, who may speak their mind, expose the truth, make a difference, or dammit, just express themselves as AMERICANS. This is extremely complicated territory we are now treading. 

"Everyday people are now mimicking an absolute device which does nothing but attempt to manipulate individuals, by any such group of people, be it, the government, a corporation, a church, an ethnic or religious affiliation or even a simple neighborhood."

A good many American professionals, employed at News Media Outlets, Film Studios, Music Industries, Publishing Entities and Communication Companies have been privy to the issues for quite some time. The employees were hired, trained and explained directly, post 911, how, why and what this new game was all about. instead of opposing the initial exposure of information, they decided, on one level or another, that cooperating with the US Government and its new stance was optimum. We saw this, through the years during wartime, we saw this again, during the cold war and we are now seeing it in the every day populist. Everyday people are now mimicking an absolute device which does nothing but attempt to manipulate individuals, by any such group of people, be it, the government, a corporation, a church, an ethnic or religious affiliation or even a simple neighborhood. If it were not so actual, so real, so concrete , from top to bottom, it might actually make a good book, film or television show, and plenty have indeed reflected this state, unfortunately,  the actual reality of the matter, is astounding fatal. People thought it was cool to 'know,' something about another. The celebrity aspect of 'inquiring minds wanting to know', now entirely bastardized and spread like mud across our Rights as American Citizen's from the bottom of boots which no longer are there to protect us, but there to cajole, interfere and tamper with our ability to create original works of Art, original works of Literature, original works of Cinema, original works of Legislation, original works of Fashion, original Works of  Any Sort, is completely jeopardized by anyone who can 'BUY,' our communications, invade our desktops and use their authority and or their position within a Company or University or Government to block newcomers, harass independents, provoke individuals and retain a position within an industry or workplace or a place of higher learning.  

"But now, with  ATT Selling Your Information for Profit, and with the new acquisition proposal and desire to purchase Time/Warner, the entire careers of individuals, rates and the quality of products and services, the downsizing of our entire Entertainment, News and Media Companies is looking, with any foresight, like a dreaded future, where only those who are established will survive and everyone else, in the middle and below, will not even have a chance."

The worlds where I have spent my entire life working, studying and formulating are now, different altogether, than they once were. Film Studios, Art Galleries, Publishing Houses, News and Media Outlets all have used, in one way or another, this new information age to their advantage, we cannot blame them, the economy rules their existence and that allowed for this invasion of privacy, to spread as it has. But now, with  ATT Selling Your Information for Profit, and with the new acquisition proposal and desire to purchase Time/Warner, the entire careers of individuals, rates and the quality of products and services, the downsizing of our entire Entertainment, News and Media Companies is looking, with any foresight, like a dreaded future, where only those who are established will survive and everyone else, in the middle and below, will not even have a chance. In the Cinema Arts it means that there will be few new discoveries, people like Richard Linklater, Spike Lee and even Spike Jonze, who all started with relatively quirky and original works, will most likely work at a limited level of success, budgets and distribution, if at all. In the world of Fine Arts, more and more, new painters, such as the late Jean Michel Basquiat, will most likely, go undiscovered. Or, and this has already developed, they will be supported only by their group, their school, their race or their religious affiliation. The same goes for Literature, new authors will fall to the wayside, The Colson Whithead's, The Zadie Smith's, and yes, The Joshua Triliegi's will not be discovered, published, reviewed, or given a career span that fine art, cinema and literature demand.  Not to mention what this means to the youth of America. 

"You are an AMERICAN and you as an individual, do matter. You matter, when you are kind to one another, you matter when you mind our own business, you matter when race, income and religion have no influence on your daily exchanges with one another, you matter when you do NOT cooperate with Invasion of Privacy games that, at first appeared powerful, profitable and acceptable, but now lay before us, weak, manipulative, bogus and downright no damn good. "

This is a clear and present danger that screams, loudly, and rather succinct that you as an Individual mean absolutely nothing at all. Well, This writer is here to say that the opposite is TRUE. You are an AMERICAN and you as an individual, do matter. You matter, when you are kind to one another, you matter when you mind our own business, you matter when race, income and religion have no influence on your daily exchanges with one another, you matter when you do NOT cooperate with Invasion of Privacy games that, at first appeared powerful, profitable and acceptable, but now lay before us, weak, manipulative, bogus and downright no damn good. It  is high time for Americans to rethink their relationship with that little communication device that has become so near and dear: your cell phone. Which causes brain defects in children, has damaged the natural order of insects, obstructing the natural pollination your food, and now, you are being duped into paying for a personal  communication device, which Your Private Information is being SOLD to Agencies and Entities for a Profit. If the entire matter were not so absurd, it might actually be interesting.  The fact, quite obviously is, there is no easy way out, It is the Vietnam of our Era, and, it took us a few decades to arrive, most likely, it will take us that many to alleviate.  You have a car, you have a cell phone, a celebrity retweeted your tweet, a world of One. Lets face it, Americans are constantly being manipulated by the two governing political parties, who sold us out to Big Medicine Companies several decades ago, they sold us to Big Banks eight years ago, and without noticing, we've now been sold to Big Communication Companies, if we, as a solid and unified group of Human Beings living in North America do not take charge of our direct relationship of representatives, besides the four year carnival we now call The Presidency, than what will be left of America ? What will be left for the next generations ? Of course,  sarcastically speaking, if you are someone who cares more about the question "What did Joshua Triliegi watch on-line last night ?"  Than, it appears, I just waisted your time, with relevant questions, that actually, concern, your future.  So, then, you pick up your phone, and, your important, you don't have to worry, it's ok, you heard that ATT was hiring. And, you just sold out… Or, You Fought back.

Links to the Story:

Visit The BUREAU Founder and Writer Joshua A. TRILIEGI   




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LITERARY 2016 Edition 
BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE MAGAZINE.  NOVELIST : Irvine WELSH .  ICON Essay : John STEINBECK . BUREAU GUEST Visual Artist New YORK City PAINTER : Nathan WALSH . Cinema: AMERICAN Director Hal ASHBY & The CLASSIC FILM "BEING THERE".  ART Reviews: Emilie CLARK . Michael KAGAN + The Max GINSBURG LECTURE .  San FRANCISCO : Photographs  Roman VISHNIAC . Bill GRAHAM at The CJM  . The South West Photographic Essay Winner Rich HELMER Plus Diane ARBUS . NEW FICTION ENCORE: They CALL IT The CITY of ANGELS  Selected Chapters  . INTERVIEWS: Sandy SKOGLUND . Shaun HUSTON on Library  Comic BOOKS . MUSIC: The MALLETT Brothers Band . Kehinde WILEY in SEATTLE.  USA  Museums : Arizona . Oklahoma . San Francisco .  ART: John MELLENCAMP.  BOOKS : ALI & Malcolm X . SPRINGSTEEN . Literature by U.S. Military Vets  . The SEATTLE Photographic Essay . FIVE Best Bookstores in BERKELEY +LITERARY Events 2016  S. E.Hinton's The OUTSIDERS + WOMEN Writers RULE.  Reviews & New Online Articles All Year Round at The New BUREAU CITY SITES.  

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SPRING 2016 Edition 
BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE MAGAZINE.  This New Edition Contains The BUREAU ICON Essay: BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN The BUREAU GUEST Artist from CANADA Painter and Sculptor Mr. Erik OLSON NEW Interviews + Photographic Essays with Three from The United Kingdom: Street Photographers Craig REILLY, Steve COLEMAN and Walter ROTHWELL. BUREAU Dance: Martha GRAHAM, Plus Mathilde GRAFSTROM : CENSORED German Muralist: Hendrik BEIKIRCH, The CLASSICAL Genius: Daniil TRIFONOV. BUREAU NEWS: David GANS on SUPREME COURT, Plus Mexico's DR.LAKRA Daniel GEORGAKAS on HOLLYWOOD BLACKLIST, The OSCARS and Spike LEE 2016, PHOTO ESSAYS: Stephen SOMERSTEIN at The FREEDOM MARCH of 1965, Alex HARRIS showcasing The Afro AMERICANS in North Carolina in The 1970s Artist Tristan EATON + The Post Modern Paintings Plus BUREAU Film: TRUMBO Reviews & New Online Articles All Year Round at The New BUREAU CITY SITES Across America an The World Through Internet. BUREAU is an Official MEDIA Partner for The ITALIAN Film Festival Plus Our  BUREAU ofARTS and CULTURE PHOTO Essays.

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BUREAU NEWS NOW: Are Washington Senators Gambling with a Nominee, or are they actually gambling with Our Lives ? Donald TRUMP, The EPA, Orrin Hatch and Toxic America are All Elements that make up Today's Observations in The BUREAU NEWS

Dateline March 17th 2016  BY J. A. TRILIEGI  

PBS News Hour Speaks to Both obstructionists and the willing in regard to The Vacant seat currently effecting US Law via The Less than complete Line up here in The United States' highest Law of The Land. But There is more to this philosophy and rhetoric as well as Issues pertaining to the Safety of AMERICANS in Their Own States, such as UTAH, For Instance. Mr Orrin Hatch, The Republican from The great State of UTAH, who opposes The Supreme Court nominee process, until AFTER The Election has a history, that many in his own State, regard as TOXIC Ignorant, Take a look … 

The Full Interview: 

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) Democrat MINN. :

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)  Republican UTAH : 

In the related matter, Senator Hatch uses the word, "TOXIC," more than a few times, during the Interview, maybe he needs to look at what's happening in his great State of UTAH, regarding its policy on toxic waste. It is The Second Highest Ranking TOXICITY STATE IN THE ENTIRE UNION:  525,457,493 Pounds of Toxic Chemicals, to be exact, according to: 

Marc Weinreich Reports in THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE:

Since Donald Trump has recently announced that he would shut down The EPA, the agency responsible for Protecting Americans from Corporate and Governmental policy that KILLS everyday Americans. Maybe Mister Hatch is  sitting on a few eggs, in hopes that the disastrous aspects of his party, the  Republicans/GOP, and its recent and complete, utter disarray with its populist membership, will somehow, Win an election, Nominate a Supreme Court and then steadfastly dismantle the great programs, that make America Great, ALREADY. 

Even when Hatch created a bill to provide Compensation for victims, those left behind after a TOXIC death, had this to say, according to The Deseret News article dated,   Feb. 12 2001 Entitled, "Toxic Utah: A land littered with poisons / Utah has paid high price for U.S. military might, " By Lee Davidson and Joe Bauman : 

"No amount of money will restore one hair to her head at this point. The government murdered my wife."  Obtaining money for people such as Isaac Nelson may be difficult the next few years. The Justice Department ran out of money for claims last spring — and has approved $20 million worth of claims since then that it has been unable to pay. To make matters worse, the department only requested $13.9 million worth of funding for claims this year — not enough to cover even those claims already approved. On top of that, changes that Hatch made to allow more people to qualify are expected to bring $70 million worth of claims a year, beginning in 2001. That means the Justice Department will likely be $76 million short of money to fund all claims this year."

The Deseret News Full Article:

Going back even further, to 1991 under the headline, " GARN AND HATCH DON'T HELP UTAH By Fred Engelbrecht : 

As usual, Garn and Hatch are on the wrong side, giving in to special interest groups and going against the environment. Neither of them has looked out for Utah or the majority of its people.Garn helped Utah become the "toxic waste dumping grounds." He was instrumental in bringing chemical gas to Utah. He stated, "Denver is too highly populated, and the gas should be shipped to Utah." You would think he was a Colorado senator. Both men are zero on environmental issues. The greatest devastation to our land and wildlife is through sheep and cattle grazing. Every year, hundreds of thousands of acres of public lands are turned into a moonscape. The stockmen also brought back cyanide poisoning for predators and also "predation control." Soon there won't be enough food for our wildlife. Their future couldn't be in worse hands, the Wildlife Bureau, which is controlled by stockmen and hunters. The grazing fees should be raised, and raised good. Now, the stockmen are grazing our lands for peanuts. If Garn and Hatch were really conscientious, they too would be looking out for the land and its wildlife. It was a black day for Utah when they were elected.


USA Today 
Heres More on the Toxic Issue in UTAH :

Salt Lake Tribune:

The Party is OVER: Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been a CONSERVATIVE ?


Dateline March 6th 2016

The American Conservative Party is currently going through a transformation, to say the least. Some would blame current front runners in the 2016 Presidential Campaign. Others blame those on Capitol Hill, others still will blame the current democratic President and his party members. Who is to blame for the dissolving unification ? How far back does this splintered situation go ? When was the last time a United States president actually conserved, while claiming to do so ? Will there be a backlash within the everyday populist or are what we witnessing that backlash now ?  How long will it be before we will be asking Conservatives : Are You Now, Or have You Ever Been a CONSERVATIVE ? What values did they originally espouse and when did they first lose those values ? 

Some would say that it all started after the failed assassination of Ronald Reagan. The Iran-Contra Situation and the unravelling of Conservative values exposed through other events, in the background. Others might say that Richard Nixon alone, ruined the republican party and it's conservative values by using the FBI, the CIA and other governmental devices for his own personal and paranoid ideas of culture in America.  

"How far back do we have to go, to find a Republican President who had something to offer all American's ? " 

Theodore Roosevelt, The Nobel prize winning, 26th President, gave us The National Parks, which are currently being scrutinized by certain Governor's for the drilling of oil, the exact opposite of Theodore Roosevelt's idea of preserving the beauty of America for those Americans who are not yet born. His Anti-trust laws would today, have most so-called conservatives up in arms. Including many in power today. These are some of the reasons why current so-called Conservative representatives are finding their party in total turmoil and disarray.  The average so-called American Conservative has not been properly represented since Ronald Reagan, and even then, many of his polices and those of his administration were extremely hurtful to our International allies. 


Certainly Eisenhower, The U.S. General and 34th President, in his final speech as president, warning us all of the growing, "Military Industrial Complex," gave us something very important to ponder. His final speech as President talked of the warnings of power, he spoke of loving one another and he warned us of many things which have now come to light. His fear of the growing, "Business of War," may have been a warning that future wars, such as the then, unforeseen madness of Vietnam, would be based on the selling and destruction of expensive machinery, weaponry and blatant misuses of American Soldiers lives and indeed, that is exactly what occurred. The same paradigm was repeated with George Bush Junior and his relationship with Donald Rumsfeld, who was a carry over from Richard Nixon's Administration. We saw policies such as Over-time pay taken away from everyday soldiers, just prior to our engagement in The Middle East /Weapons of Mass Destruction debacle and many families of American Soldiers were in a panic to support their extended family members overseas and abroad. We also saw a lack of protective equipment, to the extent that many seriously aware military families actually purchased and sent protective equipment, such as night seeing goggles and other action oriented gear to their sons and daughters overseas. There were more mortgage related issues and lost homes for soldiers working overseas, than there had been in decades during that time. We also saw, relatives of Bush's cabinet members investing in overseas shipping and freight companies, thus profiting from the policies of his administration's war. During World War II, in the 1940s, regular Americans received job opportunities, fifty years later, by the 1990s, only those in power seemed to profit from the war machine. 

"We are finding ourselves truly and nakedly no longer able to simply argue over abortion, religion and immigration and still get anything done in America. "

Now we are hearing a lot of rhetoric, a lack of compassion, a reality television campaign style that has real Conservatives confused, angry, looking for a candidate that will represent them and their core values. What are those values ? Are they based on an America from 1963, an America that no longer exists ? Is it time for everyday Americans to rethink the labels ? Have we been duped, a question I often ask and always answer : YES ? The duality and opposition paradigm is shifting to the center. We are finding ourselves truly and nakedly no longer able to simply argue over abortion, religion and immigration and still get anything done in America. It may be time to rethink the entire opposition arguments that are presented to us by: The Press, The Candidates and Our Own History. It may be time to, "…Tear down That Wall," to quote Ronald Reagan. The ideological wall that keeps us as Americans, UNITED. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, It's such a lovely idea. And yet, our water is poisoned, our kids are being molested, our schools are being shut down, our infrastructure is falling apart, jobs for ethnic and urban youth are nil, and the celebrity celebration of banal facts regarding the 1% is simply all that Americans are being told matters. The disney-fication and sexualization of everything in our lives has almost gotten to an embarrassing level of intellect. Even the average American knows that this game has gone too far. 

Randall Hill, writing from REUTERS, explained in a recent article that, "Maybe what we’ll find is that the Reagan revolution and the last few years of tea-party orthodoxy were just a phase in which the GOP was transitioning back to an ideologically broader party, a la the days when Nelson Rockefeller and Barry Goldwater were both contenders to land at the top of the ticket, except this new party may be even ideologically messier than the old one."  Yes that is very possible. 

Joe Scarborough declared recently, on his, Morning Joe Show that “I think Haley Barbour and a lot of the Republican leaders would much rather Hillary Clinton be President of the United States than have Donald Trump represent them as a Republican.” And it is hard to imagine any die-hard Bush loyalists supporting Trump after his attacks on Jeb and George. Indeed, it is easy to imagine them delighting in denying Trump the White House.

Hill went on to add that, 'In December, GOP campaign veteran Dan Schnur told Politico, “It's impossible to conceive that Republican leaders would simply forfeit their party. Even without the formal party apparatus, they'd need to fly their flag behind an alternative, if only to keep the GOP brand somewhat viable for the future. Otherwise, it would be toxic for a long, long time.” It doesn’t really matter if that assessment is correct or incorrect, so long as enough powerful Republicans feel that it is correct. I’ll stop short of predicting that a third-party insurgency will ultimately happen. But it seems obvious that it could deny Trump the White House. And for that reason, the threat of a third-party challenge may be the conservative movement’s strongest piece of leverage over a man who seems to be thwarting them at every turn. As long as Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz could still win the nomination, a third-party plot might cause Trump to reverse his own loyalty pledge in the event he loses. But if and when Trump has the nomination clinched, I expect, at the very least, that movement conservatives will make a lot of noise about a third-party challenge. It may be their last best chance to wrest concessions from the billionaire. "

Just two years ago, Ramesh Ponnuru, writing for BLOOMBERG, began to discuss and explain what had happened to The Conservative base, before and after Bush Junior's reign:  

"The dedication of Bush’s presidential library last week reheated this long-simmering debate, which the party is no closer to settling than it was when Bush left office in January 2009. Veterans of the Bush administration shouldn’t get carried away celebrating his recovery in the polls. The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has been asking people for years which party they trust most to handle various issues. It shows that voters trust Republicans less on taxes, the economy, controlling spending and reducing the deficit than they did before Bush became the leader of the Republican Party. The only issue on which Republicans do better than they did in the late 1990s is health care, and that improvement is entirely the result of the post-Bush debate over President Barack Obama’s health-care plan. 

Bush’s critics forget something, too: The Republican Party was already in poor shape when he took control. It had lost two presidential elections in a row to Bill Clinton. Republicans had taken Congress in 1994 because the public didn’t want unified Democratic control of the government. But the defeat of Congress’s attempts, under House Speaker Newt Gingrich, to restrain Medicare spending and shut down Cabinet departments had left the party without any clear direction. Democrats outnumbered Republicans by almost as much as they do now."
Source link to The Ramesh Ponnuru Article: 

David Greenberg writing for The Washington Monthly wrote back in 2007 about this same early deterioration of Conservative values as such : 

" No complaint against Bush is more popular on the right—or gets a freer pass in the mainstream media—than the notion that he somehow abandoned the philosophy that guides today's Republican Party. And the most recent insiders to turn on Bush for his impurities come from high stations. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, who declined to contest Bush's disastrous tax cut plan back in 2001 when he might have derailed it, used his September memoir to blame Bush for failing to cut spending—a cardinal sin among conservatives. Weeks before, the law professor and Bush White House veteran Jack Goldsmith published a memoir disclosing his dismay with the administration's policies on torturing suspected terrorists, even though he could have denounced the president years ago. Before that, another ex-Bush aide, David Kuo of the euphemistically titled "faith-based" office, purported in his book to expose the hollowness of Bush's program for aiding religious institutions that do social work. Was he really expecting that the church-state wall would be demolished, not just eroded?

Greenspan, Goldsmith, and Kuo have, of course, merely joined a long train of right-wing officials, operatives, and journalists who once genuflected before Bush but are now charging him with abandoning the true path. Consider the comments of a few stars of the conservative firmament. Former Bush speechwriter David Frum laments that Bush never adopted a sufficiently robust neoconservative worldview. "I always believed as a speechwriter that if you could persuade the president to commit himself to certain words, he would feel himself committed to the ideas that underlay those words," he told Vanity Fair in 2006. "And the big shock to me has been that, although the president said the words, he just did not absorb the ideas." This from the author of the 2003 paean The Right Man: The Surprise Presidency of George W. Bush. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich these days deplores the "absurdly bloated, undisciplined federal budget." During the 2004 presidential race, interestingly, Gingrich told Fox News that "Abraham Lincoln didn't have a balanced budget. He was fighting a civil war. Franklin Delano Roosevelt didn't have a balanced budget. He was fighting the Second World War. We are in a real war." Pundit Ann Coulter complains of "really stupid Americans like George Bush"—the man she labeled a "magnificent wartime leader" in 2004. And radio host Laura Ingraham wondered this summer if Bush is "too stupid" to understand that his base is angry for "turn[ing] his back on them"—an uncharacteristic move, surely, for the "real man" who "stands by his word" whom she rhapsodized about in 2003. And so it goes. " 

Greenberg goes onto excoriate The Conservative base by explaining that : 

"Indeed, Bush's presidency, far from being a subversion of modern American conservatism, represents its fulfillment. For most of the president's tenure, many of the same folks who now brand him as an incompetent or an impostor happily backed his agenda. Republicans controlled the Senate and the House with iron discipline. They populated the federal court system, built a powerful media apparatus, and, for years after 9/11, benefited from a public climate of reflexive deference to the powers that be. From 2001 to 2007, the conservative movement had as free a hand as it could have hoped for in setting the agenda. The fruits of its efforts are Bush's policies.

So while conservatives may be disillusioned with Bush, they can't seriously claim it's over his policies. Another explanation seems more likely: When the Iraq War really turned sour in 2005 and the domestic catastrophes piled up, the appeal of being linked with Bush's legacy dimmed. Like mobsters turning state's evidence before they're sent up the river, former Bushies began to testify, throwing themselves on the mercy of the court of public opinion. The reason isn't that Bush is an imperfect conservative. It's that he's an unsuccessful one.

One clue that right-wingers might be acting a bit opportunistically in turning on Bush is the sloppy nature of so many of their arguments that he's left conservatism. In seeking to salvage a pure doctrine from the flotsam of the Bush years, for example, his onetime boosters will often say that he forsook a core conservative principle such as "tradition," "humility," or "small government"—or, more vapidly, "adherence to the Constitution," "the wisdom of the Founders," or "honesty in government." But general concepts like these are so elastic as to encompass any grounds for disowning a failed course of action—or so generic as to be useless as defining traits of conservatism. (Don't liberals preach adherence to the Constitution?) It may be fashionable now to deride Bush's Iraq policy as insufficiently humble, but on the eve of the invasion, when Bush flouted world opinion, how many conservatives warned that he was jettisoning principle? And, for that matter, how does the failure to prepare for and address Hurricane Katrina's damage stem from a dearth of humility? Even the oft-heard conceit that Bush has become a "big government" conservative—breaking from postwar conservatism's anti statist foundations—doesn't withstand scrutiny. After all, practically everyone on the right backed his tax cuts, corporate giveaways, and military and security expenditures, which, along with health care cuts, have busted the budget. On inspection, buzzwords like "big government" and "humility" appear to be supple rhetorical tools, used inconsistently and opportunistically, for polemical force or political positioning—not as the basis of serious intellectual critiques. "
Source link to David Greenberg's Washington Monthly Article :
David Greenberg, a historian at Rutgers University and columnist for Slate.

Will we see another situation with Donald TRUMP ? Or will this particular Political Distraction end up being another ROSS PEROT Situation. You remember him don't YOU ? Heres a reminder of that situation, back in 1992. Bill Pascoe writes for THE SPECTATOR on The BUSH / PEROT / CLINTON Election as such : 

"Ever since that loss to Bill Clinton, it has been the standard operating procedure of Bush supporters everywhere to blame the loss on Perot’s independent run, and the 19 percent of the electorate he won that November — “a majority of those voters would probably have gone Republican in a two-party race,” wrote Bush’s vice president, Dan Quayle, in this Washington Post piece from April, 2010, before concluding, “Speaking on behalf of the Bush-Quayle campaign, to this day we firmly believe that Perot cost the Republican Party the White House.”

Barbour replayed this canard as recently as Sunday’s episode of CNN’s “State of the Union,” when, commenting on the possibility of an independent run by Donald Trump, Barbour said, “But the big question for me is, most important question, will Donald Trump say to the Republican audience, I will not run as a third party candidate. I will not run as an independent. I understand what happened in 1992, that Ross Perot gave the Clintons the White House.”   First, Perot’s campaign was not the cause of the malady that afflicted the 1992 Bush-Quayle campaign, it was but a symptom. Perot didn’t even appear on Larry King’s CNN show declaring that he would consider running (if the American people put him on 50 state ballots!) until February 20, two days after Pat Buchanan had scared the bejeebers out of the Bush operation by holding Bush to just 53 percent of the vote in the New Hampshire primary.

Second, the polling data at the time simply does not support the contention that Perot’s 19 percent of the vote came largely out of Bush’s hide. In fact, it shows just the opposite. The 1992 Battleground Survey — conducted and analyzed on a bipartisan basis by The Tarrance Group (a fabled GOP firm) and Lake Research Partners (a storied Democratic firm) — shows the following: On September 30 — the last day before Perot re-entered the race — Clinton led Bush by an 11-point margin, at 49-38 percent, with Perot taking six percent. One day later — the day Perot re-entered the race — Clinton’s lead shrank to nine points, 47-38 percent, with Perot nudging up a point to seven percent. Thirty days later, on November 1 — the last day the survey was fielded — Clinton’s lead had shrunk further, to just four points, at 40-36 percent over Bush, with Perot polling at 19 percent. So, during the course of Perot’s late-season charge, Clinton’s support dropped from 49 percent to 40 percent (a significant nine-point drop), while Bush’s support dropped from 38 percent to 36 percent (a mere two-point drop, inside the margin of error of the survey).  Meanwhile, Perot was gaining 13 points on the ballot — nine points of which came from Clinton, two points of which came from Bush, and two points of which came from previously undecided voters. In other words, to the extent voters left Bush and Clinton for Perot, those who left Clinton for Perot outnumbered those who left Bush for Perot by more than 4-to-1" 

Source link to Bill Pascoe's Article in The Spectator : 

Daniel Larison writing for The American Conservative expresses his observations on the issue in this way : 

"The New York Times reviews the Republican candidates’ foreign policy pitches. I was struck by this passage in Sanger’s report:

In speeches, town-hall-style meetings and interviews, many align themselves with the spirit (but not the arms control agreements) of President Ronald Reagan, knowing it is a sure pathway to applause. Except for his son Jeb, they usually avoid talking about the first President George Bush, now considered, despite his victory in the Persian Gulf war, as far too internationalist for current Republican tastes. I understand what Sanger is trying to say here, but a better way to understand this is that Republican hawks avoid mentioning the elder Bush’s record primarily because they regard his internationalism as insufficiently aggressive and not meddlesome enough. They prefer their “internationalism” to be heavy on intervention, bluster, and hectoring with as little diplomatic engagement and multilateral cooperation as possible. In their view, the elder Bush is a bad example to follow because he put too much pressure on Israel (which was barely any at all), was too cautious in his response at the end of the Cold War, didn’t ostracize China enough after 1989, didn’t plunge headlong into the Balkan wars, and didn’t march on Baghdad. In other words, they reject much of what the elder Bush got right as president, and in the second Bush presidency the party’s hard-liners sought to do the opposite of what the elder Bush likely would have done under similar circumstances.

It is also not a coincidence that a field of candidates with virtually no foreign policy experience is unwilling to refer to the one recent Republican nominee that already had some before being elected. Invoking Reagan is better for candidates with no foreign policy experience, while calling the elder Bush to mind will highlight just how unprepared they are. In addition to all this, the elder Bush came from the relatively moderate wing of the party, so one scores no points with movement conservative activists by referring to him. Besides, praising his record on foreign policy would require the candidates to acknowledge that the party’s hard-liners can be and have been wrong on important questions in the past, and that will hardly help them as they call for hard-line policies today. The neglect of the elder Bush in Republican rhetoric on foreign policy is nonetheless remarkable. Bush’s foreign policy record was by far the most successful of the last thirty-five years, and it was certainly far less harmful than his son’s administration. If a Republican candidate wanted to show voters that he intends to conduct a competent and successful foreign policy, the example he would cite is that of the elder Bush, but because Bush and his advisers are now perceived as too realist that never happens. Indeed, because the second Bush presidency has made the first seem even more competent and effective than it was, the party’s hawks don’t want to mention the latter because it reminds everyone of their own terrible judgment. "  

Link Source to Daniel Larison at The AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE : 

So Then, There IT IS. A somewhat vast and detailed look at what has happened and Why and Where We are now…   But wait, thats not all, if you order now, you also receive a hate mongering candidate who has forced The Republicans in power to make sharp lefts on policies such as Immigration: 

Steve Peoples and Laurie Kellman offer this Observation from ENTERPRISE NEWS:  

" Donald Trump’s plan to ban Muslims from entering the United States is shoving the Republican Party to the edge of chaos, abruptly pitting GOP leaders against their own presidential front-runner and jeopardizing the party’s longtime drive to attract minorities. Unbowed, Trump fired a searing warning Tuesday via Twitter to fellow Republicans carping about his proposal. A majority of his supporters, he tweeted, “would vote for me if I departed the GOP & ran as an independent.”   The crossfire between Trump and frustrated Republicans became a furious blur the day after the billionaire businessman announced his plan. Beleaguered 2016 rivals condemned his proposal and complained that his divisive positions were dominating attention in the crowded Republican contest. Party elders, meanwhile, warned that too much criticism might indeed push him to abandon the GOP and launch a third-party bid that could hand the presidential election to the Democrats. And Republicans up for re-election in the Senate grew terse in the Capitol hallways as they were asked again and again to respond to Trump’s remarks – a glimpse of their political futures if the former reality show star captures the GOP nomination.  

“This is not conservatism,” declared House Speaker Paul Ryan, the Republican Party’s top elected leader. “What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for. And more importantly, it’s not what this country stands for.”  One by one, Republican officials across the country lashed out at Trump’s plan, announced the night before, which calls for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” to help quell the threat of terrorism.  But party leaders are well aware of the possibility that he could end up running against the GOP nominee next year if it’s not him, a threat they have long feared.  The Republican Party, said Jeb Bush adviser Ana Navarro, is stuck between “a rock and a jerk” less than eight weeks before the first primary-season votes are cast in Iowa. In New Hampshire, Republican National Committeeman Steve Duprey called Trump’s idea “abhorrent.” At the same time, he reminded Trump of his Republican loyalty pledge, saying, “I know him to be a man of his word.”  And in Mississippi, RNC member Henry Barbour said Trump’s comments “aren’t worthy of someone who wants to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.” He said Trump would be a “disaster politically for the GOP if he won the nomination.” “It’s embarrassing at best,” Barbour said of Trump’s impact on his party.

And the Most recent debacle for CONSERVATIVES Waits just around the corner as reported by Issie Lapowsky at WIRED Magazine just a few days ago : 

" A cardboard cutout of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stands in the CPAC Hub room at the American Conservative Union's CPAC conference in Oxon Hill, Maryland, on March 3, 2016.  CONSERVATIVES ARE …are confused right now. After Barack Obama won reelection in 2012, Republican leaders thought they knew the path forward: Invest in tech. Reach beyond the base. Take back the White House. That strategy didn’t quite work out as planned, and now, Donald Trump’s resounding Super Tuesday victory has left the core of the party panicked, like so many anxious carnival goers on a Tilt-a-Whirl gone haywire. They’re stuck, slightly nauseated, and spinning.  So what do conservative activists do when they want to try to revive the party, or, at the very least, collectively prepare for the Doomsday scenario of a Trump nomination? Why, they head to CPAC—and completely freak out. The fact is, in a room full of elephants, Trump is the biggest one of all. CPAC, short for the Conservative Political Action Conference, is an annual conference where party leaders, presidential candidates, and activists gather to galvanize supporters. It’s where the GOP’s tailored-suit-wearing consultant class, its cowboy-hat-and-camouflage-suspenders rural faction, and a new generation of libertarian-leaning college kids in matching red T-shirts come together to lay out their vision for the future of the conservative movement. That vision has never been so cloudy. " 

Source LINK to Issie Lapowsky at WIRED MAGAZINE: 

Why The Clouds ? Because Donald TRUMP has refused to attend The Annual Event and instead has vowed to continue his campaign instead. Leaving Conservatives in power wondering what exactly has happened to their party, their base and their values ? We hope that after reading this article, they have a better idea. 

JOSHUA TRILIEGI is The Editor of BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE Magazine Networks with over a dozen sites across the United States and the World. The Arts Publication delivers free Electronic editions four times a year directly to readers across America and the World with International readers from Europe, Asia, Africa, Russia, Canada, South America, Mexico, Japan and more. 

The BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE Magazine NEWS Recognizing Excellence in Investigative Journalism "DEADLY DENTISTRY" By Brooks EGERTON at The Dallas Morning News, A Seven Part Series is One of The Very Best News Stories of any American Newspaper in The Year of 2015.

PART ONE / Junior’s Story : Drugged to death, in a Dallas dental chair

PART TWO / Elusive Numbers : We asked for death totals, but most states weren’t counting

PART THREE / No Discipline : Big payout for girl’s death, but state does nothing

PART FOUR / Beating the System : Nevada disciplined dentist for deaths, but it didn’t matter in Texas

PART FIVE / Dental Secrets : Scores and snapshots, state by state

PART SIX / Crime & Punishment : Dentistry so bad that police called it murder – but DA balked

PART SEVEN / Dental Check : Questions to ask in the name of safety

About This Investigation

After learning about a 4-year-old dental patient’s drug-overdose death, Dallas Morning News reporter Brooks Egerton began an 18-month investigation of U.S. dental safety. He examined thousands of records that detail patient harm and endangerment, drawing from state and federal regulators, police, coroners, academic researchers, courts, litigators, insurers, dental schools and dentists themselves. The project involved open-records requests to all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as hundreds of interviews. With the help of data editors, Egerton also tested how well each state uncovers, tracks and discloses deadly conduct.

About The Team

Author: Brooks Egerton Editor: Dave Hiott Producer: Jon McClure Copy Editor: Jane Baskett Photographers: Michael Ainsworth, Andy Jacobsohn, Tom Fox, Vernon Bryant and Brian ElledgePhoto Editor: Guy Reynolds Video: Brian Elledge, Michael Ainsworth and David Guzman Data Editor: Daniel Lathrop Illustrations: Michael Hogue Designers: John Hancock and Michael Apuan

The Bad NEWS: After a recent Buyout of the Dallas Morning News BROOKS EGERTON, One of The Best Investigative Journalists in America is no longer working for The Dallas Morning NEWS. 

More History on This Issue : 

Damage Report : Most of the two hundred journalists who left The Dallas Morning News landed on their feet. Those who stayed are not so sure. By Craig Flournoy & Tracy Everbach JULY / AUGUST 2007

The Dallas Morning Blues : It’s been nothing but bad news lately for Belo, the media conglomerate that owns the state’s leading newspaper. But to understand how Texas’s oldest company can survive in the brave new world, you have to read between the lines. January 2005 By S. C. Gwynne

Dallas Morning News buyout eliminates many of paper's most familiar names By Teresa Gubbins

Subject: Mikhail Kasyanov                Photo : Claude Truong Ngoc

Mikhail Kasyonov and Marchers Stand Up Against Putin 

Dateline February 27th 2016

Thousands of Russian Citizens marched through Moscow to honor Kremlin Critic Boris Nemtsov, including Former Russian Prime minister Mikhail Kasyanov. When will Russia and China accept the idea that people all around the world have every right to speak Truth To POWER ? 









Dateline February 24, 2016                                   J.A. Triliegi for BUREAU NEWS NOW

Republican and Former US Attorney For George BUSH, Alberto R. Gonzales, a Man who played Hard Ball for The Republicans From 2001 to 2007, Says President OBAMA has Every Right to Replace SCALIA and that if there was a Republican president, currently in Office, he would indeed appoint the next Supreme Court Justice. Senator James Lankford, a Republican, from Oklahoma said he would meet with any nominee who came knocking. "I wouldn't have a problem with that. The President's going to do his job and I'll do mine." But Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and John Cornyn, who all have sway, have held firm, breaking a long standing tradition and dragging their heels on this issue. This could indeed back fire on these gentlemen.

Historically speaking, Democrats win elections when Americans are mobilized, and this little issue, is definitely going to mobilize a youth vote, a female vote and an ethnic vote, creating possibly a historical turnout for this years election. Already, all across the nation, people are being inspired by the type of exchanges happening with what we might call untraditional and extreme or radical ideologies, when it comes to candidates. Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton all come with a cache of exotic ideas that have grabbed the interest of non political or traditional voters. Trump for his shear audacity, Sanders for his keen ideas on transforming the system and Hillary, a woman, who was once a First Lady.  

One can't help but wonder if this type of refusal to serve the people of America will also send a backlash to the very people who voted for many of the heel draggers. It's one thing to side with your constituency, its one thing to vote with your ideals, its one thing to weigh-in on the issues that concern your state, your city, your town, your district: but it's another thing all together, to simply oppose doing your job.  We have seen this time and time again throughout the past seven years. No doubt, these men are telling their voters, that this is what must be done. But, I personally, get a sneaking suspicion, that the average American is getting tired of all the in-fighting, the polarization, the cat fights and dare I say, bitching and moaning. All this has got me thinking.  

Isn't time, wether you are a democrat or a republican or something on either side, that we as Americans, as Soldiers, as College Students, as Construction Workers, as Immigrants and original Americans, as working class and even the elitist, isn't time we actually made these guys work for that position ? They know how to raise money, but are they serving us ?We are so willing to criticize police officers for not serving and protecting, yet we seldom call our highest politicians on their lack to do so.  Even in my business, we have these divisions. If you work for the FOX Network, you criticize the Left. If you work for Democracy Now, you criticize The Right. O.K. thats a generalization, sort of. But you get the idea. Hey, its never going to be a Love Fest, we know that. But do we have to escalate this situation into a cultural civil war ?  

I think the average person in America probably cares a little more about his fellow American in another state, than many of our representatives would not only, care to believe, but more than they would actually like. We all want good jobs, fresh water, affordable gasoline, safe housing, the chance for our children to buy homes, in other words: The American Dream.  We can't even think of getting close to that dream, if we don't hold these Senators, Congress persons, City Council Members and other representatives more responsible,  AFTER The Election Cycles.  

We all get emails urging us to send money for this, send money for that. So and so said and did this, I need you to send money. Are we are all being manipulated, by fear, by ideology, by issue related beliefs which we differ on, by religious values and daily events ? Your damn correct we are. As the editor of this magazine, I look for good Art, Music, Literature and talented people all across the country, if its good, I am interested. This process has transformed my idea of America and Americans. I have never been more proud, when I discover someone who has got something special. I personally do not care if they are religious or not, if they are ethnic or not, if they have a different lifestyle than I, in fact, I hope they do, than maybe, the conversation we have, may shed some light on my own life and in doing so teach me something about their America. Because everyone here has an America. When I listen to Charlie Daniels or Patsy Cline or Waylon Jennings, I hear an American story. When I listen to Grand Master Flash or George Clinton or Ice Cube, I hear an American story. When I listen to West Side Story or Appalachian Spring or Jimi Hendricks playing The National Anthem, I hear an American Story.  

So then, is there a way for us to share this great land and have our representatives take care of our business properly ? Our water is polluted, medication is too high, roads and infrastructure are in dire straits and thousand of teachers were laid off in the past six years. It's almost maddening, if not overwhelming. We all have cell phones, we all have the new toys and technology, but many of us are still out of touch. Where is the power ? Is it by trusting in a representative, or is it in transforming them into something different than what we have been given, for most of our entire lifetimes. Tall order ?  Maybe.  Impossible ?  I don't think so. So then, lets vote for our candidates, but lets all remember, WE Are The AMERICANS. We Choose Policy. We hold the strings, they do not. And yet, we are constantly yanked, this way and that. Why do we only mobilize with those who look like us, act like us, believe like us ? They say that's human nature. 

When disaster hits, when there is an Earthquake, when there is a Hurricane, when people die in large numbers, we let our guards down, and we, as Americans, tend to be pretty damn beautiful, brave and bold. Lets not wait for another disaster to take Control of Our Country.  Lets do that now, by reminding these gentlemen and ladies that winning an election is not the end all goal, nor is reelection, this is not a game, as they would have us believe, this is Our Damn Lives. And Every American Deserves Representation. There is no Superbowl ring for the soldier. There is no Grammy for the Construction worker. There is no Oscar for ME or YOU. What we get is a non participation game. Well, you know what?  F-That!  We want to participate in the American process. 

We, as individuals, must find a way, to communicate, beyond beliefs, beyond borders, beyond states, beyond cities and counties. This magazine has given me an excuse to do so, but I have a feeling that we all need to reach out beyond our favorite baseball team, our favorite celebrity on television, our favorite religion and lifestyle. All of America is great. Why should we only hear this from our Representatives, every four, six and two years ?  Lets look at the records and not the rhetoric, lets look critically, at each and every representative and ask ourselves, beyond republican and democrat, if they are actually doing what we ask, what we want and most of all What We NEED ? Who am I to say, My Grandmother's Cousin was Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg, that's who. Although, Supreme Court Judges are meant to serve throughout their lifetime, Arthur was asked to step down, in a very rare instance, which I will save for another time. I was born the same week in 1965. Hey, you must take the good with the bad. 

Former US Attorney  Alberto R. Gonzales:

President Ronald Reagan nominated Judge Anthony Kennedy:

Supreme Court Nomination Battle Consuming US Politics:

Rubio: Senate not acting on Supreme Court nomination, period

Debate over Obama's upcoming Supreme Court nomination

C-SPAN Link:
Intriguing History of Supreme Court 

FOX Link: 
Ted Cruz vows to filibuster Obama's Supreme Court nomination

PBS Link :
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Supreme Court Nomination 

Pepperdine University Link:
Supreme Court Nominations, The Confirmation Process

Here are LINKS To The HIGH RESOLUTION SPRING 2016 MAGAZINE Edition 200 Pages of Interviews and Articles...

WELCOME to Spring 2016 Edition of BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE MAGAZINE. 200 Pages of FREE Arts + Culture. This New Edition Contains The BUREAU ICON Essay: BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN . The BUREAU GUEST Artist from CANADA Painter and Sculptor Mr. Erik OLSON  .  NEW  Interviews + Photographic Essays  with  Three from The United Kingdom: Street Photographers  Craig REILLY,  Steve COLEMAN and  Walter ROTHWELL.  BUREAU Dance: Martha GRAHAM,  Plus  Mathilde GRAFSTROM : CENSORED   German Muralist: Hendrik BEIKIRCH, The CLASSICAL Genius: Daniil TRIFONOV. BUREAU NEWS: David GANS on SUPREME COURT, Plus Mexico's DR. LAKRA  Daniel GEORGAKAS on HOLLYWOOD BLACKLIST,  The OSCARS WHITEOUT, PHOTO ESSAYS: Stephen SOMERSTEIN at The  FREEDOM MARCH of 1965, Alex HARRIS showcasing The Afro AMERICANS in North Carolina in The 1970s Artist Tristan EATON + The Post Modern Paintings . BUREAU Film: TRUMBO Plus Film Reviews & New Online Articles All Year Round at The New BUREAU CITY SITES Across America and The World Through The Internet . BUREAU is an Official MEDIA Partner for The  ITALIAN  Film  Festival  Plus Our Own  BUREAU  PHOTOGRAPHIC Essays …

WELCOME to Spring 2016 Edition of BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE MAGAZINE. 200 Pages of FREE Arts + Culture. This New Edition Contains The BUREAU ICON Essay: BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN . The BUREAU GUEST Artist from CANADA Painter and Sculptor Mr. Erik OLSON  .  NEW  Interviews + Photographic Essays  with  Three from The United Kingdom: Street Photographers  Craig REILLY,  Steve COLEMAN and  Walter ROTHWELL.  BUREAU Dance: Martha GRAHAM,  Plus  Mathilde GRAFSTROM : CENSORED   German Muralist: Hendrik BEIKIRCH, The CLASSICAL Genius: Daniil TRIFONOV. BUREAU NEWS: David GANS on SUPREME COURT, Plus Mexico's DR. LAKRA  Daniel GEORGAKAS on HOLLYWOOD BLACKLIST,  The OSCARS WHITEOUT, PHOTO ESSAYS: Stephen SOMERSTEIN at The  FREEDOM MARCH of 1965, Alex HARRIS showcasing The Afro AMERICANS in North Carolina in The 1970s Artist Tristan EATON + The Post Modern Paintings . BUREAU Film: TRUMBO Plus Film Reviews & New Online Articles All Year Round at The New BUREAU CITY SITES Across America and The World Through The Internet . BUREAU is an Official MEDIA Partner for The  ITALIAN  Film  Festival  Plus Our Own  BUREAU  PHOTOGRAPHIC Essays …


WELCOME to Spring 2016 Edition of BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE MAGAZINE. 200 Pages of FREE Arts + Culture. This New Edition Contains The BUREAU ICON Essay: BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN . The BUREAU GUEST Artist from CANADA Painter and Sculptor Mr. Erik OLSON  .  NEW  Interviews + Photographic Essays  with  Three from The United Kingdom: Street Photographers  Craig REILLY,  Steve COLEMAN and  Walter ROTHWELL.  BUREAU Dance: Martha GRAHAM,  Plus  Mathilde GRAFSTROM : CENSORED   German Muralist: Hendrik BEIKIRCH, The CLASSICAL Genius: Daniil TRIFONOV. BUREAU NEWS: David GANS on SUPREME COURT, Plus Mexico's DR. LAKRA  Daniel GEORGAKAS on HOLLYWOOD BLACKLIST,  The OSCARS WHITEOUT, PHOTO ESSAYS: Stephen SOMERSTEIN at The  FREEDOM MARCH of 1965, Alex HARRIS showcasing The Afro AMERICANS in North Carolina in The 1970s Artist Tristan EATON + The Post Modern Paintings . BUREAU Film: TRUMBO Plus Film Reviews & New Online Articles All Year Round at The New BUREAU CITY SITES Across America and The World Through The Internet . BUREAU is an Official MEDIA Partner for The  ITALIAN  Film  Festival  Plus Our Own  BUREAU  PHOTOGRAPHIC Essays …







This is an Electronic Interactive Version of BUREAU of Arts and Culture Magazine.  We suggest you view the pdf in the [ Two Page with Cover ] and [ Full Screen Mode ] Options which are Provided at the Top of your Menu Bar under the VIEW section. Simply choose Two Page Layout & Full Screen to enjoy. This  format  allows  for  The Magazine to be read as a Paper Edition. Displaying images and Text in Center-folds. When reading on a computer, utilize the Arrows on your keyboard to turn the pages. Be Sure To Download A High Resolution Version at  BUREAU of Arts And Culture's Official Magazine Website or any of Our Community Sites with Links Provided Below.

We Thank: Da Capo Press, Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University, Pace/MacGill Gallery, National Gallery of Art, Georgia O'Keefe Museum of Art, Fine Arts Center Colorado Springs, Duke University, Andy Warhol Museum, Phoenix Art Museum, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Art Institute of Chicago, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Crystal Bridges,  United Artists, Spot Photo Works, Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas Museum of Art, Museum of Fine Art Huston Texas,  Gallerie Urbane, Mary Boone Gallery, Pace Gallery, Asian Art Museum, Magnum Photo, Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, Fahey/Klein, Tobey C. Moss, Sandra Gehring, George Billis, Martin - Gropius - Bau Berlin, San Jose Museum of Art, First Run Features, Downtown Records, Koplin Del Rio, Robert Berman, Indie Printing, American Film Institute, SFMOMA, Palm Beverly Hills, KM Fine Arts, LA Art Show, Photo LA,  Jewish Contemporary Museum, Cultural Affairs, Yale Collection of Rare Books & Manuscript and  Richard Levy.

Contributing Photographers: Norman Seef, Herb Ritts, Jack English, Alex Harris, Gered Mankowitz, Bohnchang Koo, Natsumi Hayashi, Raymond Depardon, T. Enami, Dennis Stock, Dina Litovsky, Guillermo Cervera, Moises Saman, Cathleen Naundorf, Terry Richardson, Phil Stern, Dennis Morris, Henry Diltz, Steve Schapiro, Yousuf Karsh, Ellen Von Unwerth, William Claxton,  Robin Holland, Andrew Moore,  James Gabbard, Mary Ellen Mark, John Robert Rowlands, Brian Duffy, Robert Frank, Jon Lewis, Sven Hans, David Levinthal,  Joshua White, Brian Forrest, Lorna Stovall,  Elliott Erwitt,  Rene Burri,  Susan Wright,  David Leventhal, Peter Van Agtmael & The Bureau Editor Joshua Triliegi.   

Contributing Guest Artists: Irby Pace, Jon Swihart, F. Scott Hess, Ho Ryon Lee, Andy Moses, Kahn & Selesnick, Jules Engel,  Patrick Lee, David Palumbo, Tom Gregg, Tony Fitzpatrick, Gary Lang, Fabrizio Casetta, DJ Hall, David FeBland, Eric Zener, Seeroon Yeretzian, Dawn Jackson, Charles Dickson, Ernesto DeLaLoza, Diana Wong, Gustavo Godoy, John Weston,  Kris Kuksi,  Bomonster,  Hiroshi Ariyama,  Linda Stark,  Kota Ezawa,  Russell  Nachman,  Katsushika  Hokusai and  Xuan Chen

Contributing Writers: David Gans, Dan Georgakas,  Jamar Mar(s) Tucker,  Sarah Rose Perry












Dateline February 23rd 2016

President Obama intends to shut down GUANTANAMO, which makes a lot of sense, as this is Costing Americans a whole lot of Money. We also suggest he turn back the absurd and Constitutionally Questionable SECTION 1021 of The NDAA Bill which Allows GOOD OLD FASHIONED AMERICANS to BE DETAINED without ANY REASON !  Commonly Known as The “Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus.”  

Our Country was actually partly Inspired by this dilemma when The British  Infringed on The Rights of Early American Colonists and British Citizens alike. But will the Powers that be, actually let him ? Could it be that it's not just Congress holding him back, that the National Defense Military Complex Team that took over America after 911, really hold the cards here ?  And how does All of This Tie In with the Opening of CUBA ? We'll find out in the Next Exciting Episode of The Story of Our LIVES... Stay TUNED.

Watch the Video Links and decide for yourselves what WE Should DO. It's AMERICA Afterall and We Have RIGHTS... Even though they have obviously been eroded. 

SECTION 1021 of The NDAA 2013 BILL
Tenth Amendement Center LINK:

In 2009 President Obama Declares his Intentions to Close Guantanamo 

Democracy NOW LINK: 
Bush Opened Guantánamo Without Congress, So Why Can't Obama Close It?

Feb 23 2016 Up Take LINK: 
Obama’s New Plan To Close Guantanamo - Full Statement

Congressman Smith Testifies on Need to Close Guantanamo

Guantanamo Bay: Shaker Aamer (FULL INTERVIEW) 

Film LINK:

Democracy Now LINK:
Obama Signed NDAA Bill Barring Transfer of Its Prisoners?

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: 

HASC Republicans LINK:
Rep. Mary Fallin - Statement on Guantanamo Detainees

USA: 'Close Guantanamo' Protests hit the White House, Washington D.C

Queen of CUBA Celia CRUZ  Singing, "Guantanamera" 

The Story of My LIFE By Social Distortion : 


Unfortunately, The Answer is : YES. 

In a recent Article Entitled, "Governor John Kasich Signs Ohio Bill to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding," by Reporter  KAILANI KOENIG at ABC News with a link to the Article provided below.

Excerpted in brackets from the ABC Article : 

[ Republican presidential hopeful and Ohio Governor John Kasich on Sunday signed a bill that aims to strip funding from Planned Parenthood in the state.That money helps support screenings for breast cancer, STD testing, programs working to prevent violence against women, and more. State and federal laws already prohibit taxpayer dollars from going to fund abortions, with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother.Although the legislation does not specifically name the organization — it cites "any entity that performs or promotes nontherapeutic abortions" — and it's believed that Planned Parenthood will be most affected.Planned Parenthood immediately fired back to the news, as the organization's president Cecile Richards claimed the bill will "have devastating consequences for women across Ohio." "It's clear Kasich has no regard for women's health or lives, and will stop at nothing to block health care for the tens of thousands of Ohioans who rely on Planned Parenthood," she said in a statement. ]

Link to The ABC Article: 

But He's willing to spend over 8 Million Dollars to attempt a bid at Being The PRESIDENT of The United States of AMERICA. According to Open Secrets . org

Link To Open Secrets Article:

Is This the same man that told us in a recent debate that he had concerns for his two daughters ? Many of us are having concerns about his ability to lead. Could it be that his six years at The FOX Network and his Employment Time at The Now Defunct, LEHMAN BROTHERS Investment Bankers, which was responsible for Millions of Americans loss of personal values, tell us enough about this man's own track record ?  Is he out of touch with Young and Female Americans of Today ? Or will he do whatever his party tells him to do ?  Where's the Presidential record ? Where's the Leadership ?   Maybe it's time for him to walk away.  Fix OHIO before you try to fix My COUNTRY, Sir.

Link to Lehman Brothers Tragedy:


If you were, a victim of a Hurricane, or a battered Wife, or a Low Income Worker seeking minimum wage, or an Agricultural Individual with some income problems, The answer May well be: YES.

Ted CRUZ, whose Campaign uses the Term TRUST TED, a term that my father explained to me, long ago: "Son, never trust a man who starts his sentence with a statement about TRUSTING Him." ie "Trust me on this...,"  "In God We Trust," Etc...  

TED CRUZ has a VOTING Record that should scare Americans who have troubles and, We as Americans, well at least 99% of us, every now and then, have a few Troubles. 

Will TED CRUZ be there, if a Hurricane Hits our Country ? Will Ted Cruz be there, when women are abused? Will Ted Cruz be there when low income Texans or Americans need a fair wage?  His record is Clear and he voted consistently against these bills, and furthermore, long after ,'Nay,' Votes he had the AUDACITY to show up on MAY DAY and ask us to PRAY for the Very ISSUES he voted against, months earlier!

Lets clear the Air, We as AMERICANS Already KNOW How to Pray. We Pray in over a hundred Languages. We Pray to over a dozen Gods, each with a different name and process and heritage. We want LEADERSHIP, We Want SUPPORT when We NEED IT. We don't want a PRESIDENT Who OFFERS PRAYERS, SIR. We Want POLICY and If YOU Want Our VOTES, You Should have BEEN THERE When IT Mattered. 

CRUZ VOTED AGAINST HR 152 Which helped American Victims of HURRICANE SANDY and then, much later, Ted CRUZ Actually suggested that we, "Remember in our prayers today those who are suffering from the deadly storms that have struck the nation. Pray for our first responders and the members of our Armed Forces who rush to danger to keep us safe. "  [ Statement By CRUZ May 1, 2014 ] 

CRUZ VOTED AGAINST S47 The Violence Against Women Act of 2013  which helped Women deal with Abuses of themselves in times of deep trouble and Violence.  

CRUZ Voted Against HR 2642  Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013 which was designed to help Food, Agriculture and low income individuals  and later suggested that we, " …Pray for all those who face daily struggles in finding work and providing for themselves and their families."  [ Statement By CRUZ  May 1, 2014 ]


image: Sugar Cane Workers in CUBA By Guggenheim Fellow and Bureau Contributing Photographer Andrew Moore       Visit Andrew Moore www.andrewlmoore.com  or listen to the live, in Gallery Audio Interview at The Bureau Magazine       Archive page, Tap, Choose and Listen  at http://www.bureauofartsandculture.com/BUREAU-AUDIO-ARCHIVES.html
     image: Sugar Cane Workers in CUBA By Guggenheim Fellow and Bureau Contributing Photographer Andrew Moore 
     Visit Andrew Moore www.andrewlmoore.com  or listen to the live, in Gallery Audio Interview at The Bureau Magazine 
     Archive page, Tap, Choose and Listen  at http://www.bureauofartsandculture.com/BUREAU-AUDIO-ARCHIVES.html 


Dateline February 20th 2016

In This Clip, He Claims to be Helping Single Women and Working Class People : 

But his voting records is absurdly in the exact opposite of this statement. In a link provided below from American Bridge 21st Century explains that RUBIO Consistently Voted to leave Poor Families, in the cold and without support, time and time again. 

Mr Rubio even Voted against his Own Conservative Parties Extension of Unemployment benefits that would indeed have effected, 'The Single Mothers,' he claims to help. 

He also said, according to the Washington Post, that, “I Don’t Think A Minimum Wage Law Works.”  This will hurt almost everyone he is claiming to want to support as president. Rubio also voted to cut 4.6 Trillion Dollars over the next decade or so, but The Amendment was rejected. 

Rubio went along with a Sequester, even though he knew in his heart of hearts that, "“This is not the best way to do it but it’s better than raising taxes as an alternative and it’s better than doing nothing." Well, if you talk to the 300,000 poor families who went without heat or cooling, they would probably say, next time, Mr Rubio, please, do nothing.  [ NEADA.org, 11/14/13] 

The same sequester effected 57,000 children's head-start program according to USA Today. But here he stands on a stage with his children, who no doubt went to head start without issue.   [ USA Today, 8/20/13 ] This Sequester also effected 40% of the meals on Wheels programs for the Elderly in The United States.

Tap to View the Record: 

This publication recently compared Rubio to Ronald Reagan, meaning, was he just a puppet for The Big Republican machine ? Let me clarify that earlier statement: This man, not only, does not have the charisma, of a U. S. President such as Ronald Reagan, he does not contain the true Cuban ethnic flavor that we all love so much in people such as all the great Cuban Writers, Musicians, and Activists who have, what we commonly call : Sabrosa'.  He won't even open the doors to his own country! 

As a reporter I simply present his record. As a man who personally worked hand in hand with Cuban blue collar workers, for over ten years, I cannot accept that he would help those workers or their families or their children or their children's children. No way pal, sorry. 

I Live, I work, I walk and I talk with Latino Americans of a very, very, wide variety, and after doing so for almost 45 of my fifty years on this planet, I cannot even look in your direction without wincing. You are Not Our President, Sir. I don't know who is, but I know who is not, and that is YOU. 

Many of you originally came aboard to read about Art, Film, Music, Literature, Surfing, Photography and Culture. I implore my younger readers, my Latino readers to check out this Political Situation that YOU are embroiled in, you all have phones, you have computers, you know how to play the game. This is now the time to get Involved with that, 'playful,' energy and BE AN AMERICAN on The Political Front. I do not want you to agree with me. I do not want you to  follow me. I want you to read the facts from your Representatives and Play Them, If indeed they Are PLAYING YOU. 


BUREAU NEWS UK: Prime Minister David Cameron fends off the EU Madness and sings, "Our House," to The House of Commons. 

Dateline Feb 22 2016 

After much preparation, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron finally takes his deal to The House of Commons, who have until June 2016, just before their Summer vacations, either in or out of Europe, to decide the future of their affiliations with the broader neighbors throughout Europe and beyond. Many seemed amicable, though, time will tell what happens next.

The Mayor of LONDON, Boris Johnson Says, "NO to The EU"
Dateline February 21, 2016

"This is not about wether you love Europe. This is about the ability for people to control their lives." He sited that 500 Million People are being ruled by a Supreme Group.  " It's my view that after 30 years of writing about this, I would like to see a new relationship based on trade… and much less on … control. The last thing I wanted was to go against David and the Government."  He went onto say that, " Because I want a better deal for this Country.  I would like to be in a [ more ] Reformed EU, based on fundamental change …   I don't think that that has been offered. " The Mayor of London concluded that he would not go on television with extensive debates, neither would he join forces with rivaling party members, but, he feels that too much control would be given to an outside group of Individuals that would disempower England's ability to govern itself.  

Video link: https://youtu.be/7dAW-WtVBxI   

BUREAU Twitter: https://twitter.com/bureauNewsNow 

More on This : John Rentoul of the Independent on Sunday, suggests that the Mayor's of London's Wife, Marina Wheeler's Views, a sample, as seen on The UK Humans Rights Site, link provided below, may have influenced his recent decisions...

Here are LINKS To The HIGH RESOLUTION SPRING 2016 MAGAZINE Edition 200 Pages of Interviews and Articles...

WELCOME to Spring 2016 Edition of BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE MAGAZINE. 200 Pages of FREE Arts + Culture. This New Edition Contains The BUREAU ICON Essay: BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN . The BUREAU GUEST Artist from CANADA Painter and Sculptor Mr. Erik OLSON  .  NEW  Interviews + Photographic Essays  with  Three from The United Kingdom: Street Photographers  Craig REILLY,  Steve COLEMAN and  Walter ROTHWELL.  BUREAU Dance: Martha GRAHAM,  Plus  Mathilde GRAFSTROM : CENSORED   German Muralist: Hendrik BEIKIRCH, The CLASSICAL Genius: Daniil TRIFONOV. BUREAU NEWS: David GANS on SUPREME COURT, Plus Mexico's DR. LAKRA  Daniel GEORGAKAS on HOLLYWOOD BLACKLIST,  The OSCARS WHITEOUT, PHOTO ESSAYS: Stephen SOMERSTEIN at The  FREEDOM MARCH of 1965, Alex HARRIS showcasing The Afro AMERICANS in North Carolina in The 1970s Artist Tristan EATON + The Post Modern Paintings . BUREAU Film: TRUMBO Plus Film Reviews & New Online Articles All Year Round at The New BUREAU CITY SITES Across America and The World Through The Internet . BUREAU is an Official MEDIA Partner for The  ITALIAN  Film  Festival  Plus Our Own  BUREAU  PHOTOGRAPHIC Essays …

WELCOME to Spring 2016 Edition of BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE MAGAZINE. 200 Pages of FREE Arts + Culture. This New Edition Contains The BUREAU ICON Essay: BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN . The BUREAU GUEST Artist from CANADA Painter and Sculptor Mr. Erik OLSON  .  NEW  Interviews + Photographic Essays  with  Three from The United Kingdom: Street Photographers  Craig REILLY,  Steve COLEMAN and  Walter ROTHWELL.  BUREAU Dance: Martha GRAHAM,  Plus  Mathilde GRAFSTROM : CENSORED   German Muralist: Hendrik BEIKIRCH, The CLASSICAL Genius: Daniil TRIFONOV. BUREAU NEWS: David GANS on SUPREME COURT, Plus Mexico's DR. LAKRA  Daniel GEORGAKAS on HOLLYWOOD BLACKLIST,  The OSCARS WHITEOUT, PHOTO ESSAYS: Stephen SOMERSTEIN at The  FREEDOM MARCH of 1965, Alex HARRIS showcasing The Afro AMERICANS in North Carolina in The 1970s Artist Tristan EATON + The Post Modern Paintings . BUREAU Film: TRUMBO Plus Film Reviews & New Online Articles All Year Round at The New BUREAU CITY SITES Across America and The World Through The Internet . BUREAU is an Official MEDIA Partner for The  ITALIAN  Film  Festival  Plus Our Own  BUREAU  PHOTOGRAPHIC Essays …


WELCOME to Spring 2016 Edition of BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE MAGAZINE. 200 Pages of FREE Arts + Culture. This New Edition Contains The BUREAU ICON Essay: BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN . The BUREAU GUEST Artist from CANADA Painter and Sculptor Mr. Erik OLSON  .  NEW  Interviews + Photographic Essays  with  Three from The United Kingdom: Street Photographers  Craig REILLY,  Steve COLEMAN and  Walter ROTHWELL.  BUREAU Dance: Martha GRAHAM,  Plus  Mathilde GRAFSTROM : CENSORED   German Muralist: Hendrik BEIKIRCH, The CLASSICAL Genius: Daniil TRIFONOV. BUREAU NEWS: David GANS on SUPREME COURT, Plus Mexico's DR. LAKRA  Daniel GEORGAKAS on HOLLYWOOD BLACKLIST,  The OSCARS WHITEOUT, PHOTO ESSAYS: Stephen SOMERSTEIN at The  FREEDOM MARCH of 1965, Alex HARRIS showcasing The Afro AMERICANS in North Carolina in The 1970s Artist Tristan EATON + The Post Modern Paintings . BUREAU Film: TRUMBO Plus Film Reviews & New Online Articles All Year Round at The New BUREAU CITY SITES Across America and The World Through The Internet . BUREAU is an Official MEDIA Partner for The  ITALIAN  Film  Festival  Plus Our Own  BUREAU  PHOTOGRAPHIC Essays …







This is an Electronic Interactive Version of BUREAU of Arts and Culture Magazine.  We suggest you view the pdf in the [ Two Page with Cover ] and [ Full Screen Mode ] Options which are Provided at the Top of your Menu Bar under the VIEW section. Simply choose Two Page Layout & Full Screen to enjoy. This  format  allows  for  The Magazine to be read as a Paper Edition. Displaying images and Text in Center-folds. When reading on a computer, utilize the Arrows on your keyboard to turn the pages. Be Sure To Download A High Resolution Version at  BUREAU of Arts And Culture's Official Magazine Website or any of Our Community Sites with Links Provided Below.

We Thank: Da Capo Press, Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University, Pace/MacGill Gallery, National Gallery of Art, Georgia O'Keefe Museum of Art, Fine Arts Center Colorado Springs, Duke University, Andy Warhol Museum, Phoenix Art Museum, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Art Institute of Chicago, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Crystal Bridges,  United Artists, Spot Photo Works, Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas Museum of Art, Museum of Fine Art Huston Texas,  Gallerie Urbane, Mary Boone Gallery, Pace Gallery, Asian Art Museum, Magnum Photo, Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, Fahey/Klein, Tobey C. Moss, Sandra Gehring, George Billis, Martin - Gropius - Bau Berlin, San Jose Museum of Art, First Run Features, Downtown Records, Koplin Del Rio, Robert Berman, Indie Printing, American Film Institute, SFMOMA, Palm Beverly Hills, KM Fine Arts, LA Art Show, Photo LA,  Jewish Contemporary Museum, Cultural Affairs, Yale Collection of Rare Books & Manuscript and  Richard Levy.

Contributing Photographers: Norman Seef, Herb Ritts, Jack English, Alex Harris, Gered Mankowitz, Bohnchang Koo, Natsumi Hayashi, Raymond Depardon, T. Enami, Dennis Stock, Dina Litovsky, Guillermo Cervera, Moises Saman, Cathleen Naundorf, Terry Richardson, Phil Stern, Dennis Morris, Henry Diltz, Steve Schapiro, Yousuf Karsh, Ellen Von Unwerth, William Claxton,  Robin Holland, Andrew Moore,  James Gabbard, Mary Ellen Mark, John Robert Rowlands, Brian Duffy, Robert Frank, Jon Lewis, Sven Hans, David Levinthal,  Joshua White, Brian Forrest, Lorna Stovall,  Elliott Erwitt,  Rene Burri,  Susan Wright,  David Leventhal, Peter Van Agtmael & The Bureau Editor Joshua Triliegi.   

Contributing Guest Artists: Irby Pace, Jon Swihart, F. Scott Hess, Ho Ryon Lee, Andy Moses, Kahn & Selesnick, Jules Engel,  Patrick Lee, David Palumbo, Tom Gregg, Tony Fitzpatrick, Gary Lang, Fabrizio Casetta, DJ Hall, David FeBland, Eric Zener, Seeroon Yeretzian, Dawn Jackson, Charles Dickson, Ernesto DeLaLoza, Diana Wong, Gustavo Godoy, John Weston,  Kris Kuksi,  Bomonster,  Hiroshi Ariyama,  Linda Stark,  Kota Ezawa,  Russell  Nachman,  Katsushika  Hokusai and  Xuan Chen

Contributing Writers: David Gans, Dan Georgakas,  Jamar Mar(s) Tucker,  Sarah Rose Perry











BUREAU NEWS             

BUREAU NEWS is An Affiliate of BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE Magazine 

February 5, 2016

Julian Assange, The Editor of Wiki-Leaks has been exonerated of all charges By The United Nations. The U.K. said it will formally contest the panel's decision. "This changes nothing. We completely reject any claim that Julian Assange is a victim of arbitrary detention," the British government said in a statement. The United Nations ruled Friday that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been "arbitrarily detained" by the United Kingdom and Sweden since he was arrested in 2010 and that he should be allowed to leave Ecuador's Embassy in London without facing arrest. Philip Hammond, Britain's top diplomat indicated Friday that nothing has changed for the Australian national. "Assange is a fugitive from justice, voluntarily hiding in the Ecuadorian Embassy," UK Foreign Minister Philip Hammond tweeted. "I reject the report from #UNWGAD."   According to The Guardian, The panel’s findings were disclosed to the Swedish and British governments on 22 January, and will be published on Friday morning. Their judgment is not legally binding but can be used to apply pressure on states in human rights cases.

Anna Ekberg, spokesperson for the Swedish foreign ministry, said: “The UN working group on arbitrary detention has concluded that Mr Assange is arbitrarily detained. The working group’s view differs from that of the Swedish authorities. We will forward a reply to the working group tomorrow. It will be more clear tomorrow why we reject the working group’s conclusions.”

Assange’s Swedish lawyer, Per Samuelson, said earlier that if the working group found in his favor, “there is only one solution for Marianne Ny [the Swedish prosecutor seeking Assange’s extradition], and that is to immediately release him and drop the case”. Samuelson added: “If he is regarded as detained, that means he has served his time, so I see no other option for Sweden but to close the case.”

According to The Guardian: Assange and WikiLeaks have been the subject of a secret grand jury investigation in Virginia that has been looking into whether to prosecute them over the US cable disclosures, and the Australian fears that he could become immediately subject to a second extradition process even if Sweden drops its inquiry.

“If one of the orders is that he should be released and his liberty should be assured, we would obviously look to the UK to make sure that it is effective and not illusory, that it’s not just liberty for five seconds, but liberty that is meaningful,” Taylor said.


The Committee for Oversight in WASHINGTON D.C. is Currently grilling The Pharmaceutical Industry for price gouging, but when we follow the MONEY, It appears to be going directly into The Pockets of The Congresspersons via CONTRIBUTIONS. The Vilification of Individuals is all too easy. The real problem is, these are the same companies that put them into office.  OpenSecrest . org , link below, describes the situation like this, 

"The industry's political generosity increased in the years leading up to Congress' passage in 2003 of a Medicare prescription drug benefit. Since then, industry spending levels have fluctuated, though they have usually hovered around the $30 million range, including during the 2014 cycle when that number was nearly $32 million. 2012 was the cycle when the industry contributed the most -- over $50.7 million. The pharmaceutical industry has traditionally supported Republican candidates, with the 2008 and 2010 cycles serving as the only exceptions. During the 2014 cycle, Republicans received 58 percent of industry contributions whereas Democrats received only 42 percent... "  

At TRUTH-OUT we find that :

"The committee's chair, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), had not responded to a letter from the Democrats requesting that Valeant be subpoenaed to provide Congress with documents related to the drastic price hikes. The pharmaceutical industry has contributed $198,000 to Chaffetz's campaign war chest during the course of his career, more than any other special interest group, although none of the contributions came directly from Valeant, which has focused its political resources on lobbying instead of direct contributions. Industry giant Pfizer was the top spender among drug companies during the 2014 elections with $1.5 million in federal campaign contributions, followed closely by Amgen with $1.3 million and McKesson Corp with $1.1 million. All three companies spent more on Republicans than Democrats that year.

One million dollars plus is a lot of money, but it pales in comparison to the annual salaries of the CEOs at some of these companies. Pfizer CEO Ian Read, for example, raked in more than $23 million in 2014, and Amgen CEO Robert Bradway made a cool $14 million, according to the industry publication FiercePharma." It turns out that the pharmaceutical industry did not become one for the most powerful interests on Capitol Hill with campaign contributions alone. For every $1 the industry spent on contributions during the last election cycle, $7 were spent on lobbying in 2014."

Here is The Truth - OUT Link :

Is this just another posturing hypocrisy ? Can they really make change when they accept this kind of Lobbyism and Contribution?

Tap The Link to The Article:

Tap The Link The Committee Hearings :

From The Archives:



Is Partisan Politics going to stop AMERICA from improving it's infrastructure, protecting it's citizen's and making life livable in The United States of America ?  We want Democrats and Republicans, who have been at each others heals to Understand that We The People are not at all happy with the way things are being handled on The Hill. Finger pointing,  and name blaming are ruining our Country. You folks need to get over the cold civil war which you have gotten us into and improve your own ability to stay UNITED. 

For Our readers, check out exemplary work by many on The Committee, a few highlighted below: 

Be Sure to view: U.S. Representative for Maryland's 7th congressional district, Democrat Elijah Cummings of Maryland, Tap The LINK: 

Be Sure to view: U.S. Representative Serving Georgia's 10th District, Republican Jody Hice. Tap The LINK: 

Here is The New York Times Article on the developments Reported By By JENNIFER STEINHAUER and ABBY GOODNOUGH

From The ARCHIVE: 


Images by Peter VanAgtmael Courtesy of MAGNUM Photo

It would be unfair for me, an American, who has never visited Israel or Palestine, to speak with authority on the subject of Prime Minister Netanyahu's opinion's directly. What I can speak to is, first, an understanding that his generation has experienced tragedy, secondly, that those events, shaped his world view and that thirdly, those views may be out of step with both Palestinian's and Israeli's : When it comes to violent resolution.

Yes, we will always remember The Holocaust. My African American friends will always remember Slavery. My Japanese American friends will always remember the Internment Camps of World War II. My Korean American friends will always remember what happened to their country, when two ways of thinking, were so polarized, their entire country was split into two. The list of historical events is endless. Maybe, nothing quite compares to the atrocious acts experienced in the Holocaust.

Yes, we must stand up to prejudice, to hatred, to people who have been categorically taught to dislike a particular person, be that person Jewish or any other race. What concerns me is the vast amount of Jewish intellectuals who have found it impossible to support the policies of Israel because of it's leadership. What of the people of Israel who no longer want the war to continue ? I hear from my sources, on the ground, that living in their basement's / bunker's for days on end, is not what they wish for their children or themselves. A Call for peace will take years to implement. Or is the war machine so ingrained in society, that this goal is impossible ?

The Geopolitical situation is advancing forward on a daily basis. The leader of Iran is currently visiting Paris and countries around the world, unprecedented change, wether it be on the surface or in policy, is now happening. Who will make peace in the Middle East ? War is a money maker. We not only need to create a plan to peace, we need to rethink an economy where peace can prevail and both sides can profit from a resolution. It's not just up to Israel and Palestine, ultimately, the United States and what President Eisenhower called the, "The Military Industrial Complex," has some rethinking to do.

Is there a peacetime economy in existence ? If not, we could all use some new views, concerning a better future. We hear so much about the current refugee crisis in Europe and few explanations as to why these people have no home. Economic, political and other forces at work. The Jewish people, wether Israeli or otherwise, live in locations all around the world, in France, in Cuba, in America. There is indeed something very special enveloped in this particular faith and lineage. A tradition which has been unbroken for thousands and thousands of years. Who can argue with that ?  What concerns most people, Jewish and otherwise is living a life of peace.

The hype of war, the adrenaline of reactionary violence, the deeply ingrained ideology of opposition and the actual objects, the machinery of hatred, are what truly lies in our path. Leaders who cannot find peaceful ways to lead, must reconsider the consequences of creating a military state. All of this has already been spoken by better, more educated more experienced writers than I. Call me naive. While you do so, be alerted that I grew up in Southern California during a tumultuous time in our history. I know what crossing a boundary, etched by invisible territorial lines, that do indeed exist, is like.

I found life easier by attempting to reach out, to understand, to accept and to befriend opposing parties, opposing members, opposing factions of all sorts. Not the easy route, the difficult one. When people in my area were forced to affiliate, I did not. When people decided to take sides, I did not. And all these years later, those inclusive actions, those small, but significant steps, even though often manipulated by others, made a difference in my life. To this day, I do not live in fear of, 'The Other," whatever that other is. I still believe in a UNITED States. I still believe in the support of the People of Israel. I also believe that peace can be attained.

How much of this situation is channeled by self professed prophecy ? Religion, the great belief that something higher than one's self exist's and yet, we see only division. If you are only praying for your place in this world, your success in this world, your domination in this world, or in the next, I'm pretty sure that, if indeed, the higher being you communicate with, is hearing your part of the conversation, that maybe your singing, maybe your chanting, maybe your gunfire, maybe your thoughts of morality have gotten so out of balance : That you can not hear what that higher being is saying back to you. When we hear someone exclaim the tired old phrase, "Lets have a moment of silence." It often lasts a moment. I suggest we take more than a moment.


This WEEK in The NEWS : January 29, 2016

Talkin Bout' Their Generation, Why The Kids are More Than All Right. The New York Times story by Sewell Chan explains How Student Activism all around the World is Changing views on Our History, Our Symbolic Representation and Our PAST.

Article Entitled: "Historical Figures, Campus Controversies" 

Tap The LINK To The New York Times:

BUREAU OF ARTS AND CULTURE Congratulates The Participating Schools and Students : 

For More on This SUBJECT READ The BUREAU Think Piece Entitled: 

HATE CRIMES  PART TWO : When Symbols of Good are used for Bad and the Militarization of Race and Belief 

Tap The Link and Scroll To The Article: 


  THE ACADEMY AWARDS AND PEOPLE OF COLOR  By Joshua A. TRILIEGI  for  BUREAU OF ARTS AND CULTURE      Film lovers, film critics, film goers, film makers and film aficionados all seem to be giving their opinions, dissertations and criticisms on the lack of diversity at this years Academy Awards. Anyone who is familiar with this publication knows how much we have been influenced by African American Artists, Filmmakers, Musicians and everyday people. From John Coltrane to Spike Lee, from Ice-T to Malcolm X, from Interviews and Essays on Compton Sculptor Charles Dickson, Oakland's JAHI, Leimert Park's Barbara Morrison, Poet Sabreen Shabazz or Baltimore photographer Kanayo Adibe, who is actually from Africa, we at this publication are more diverse than anyone in this publishing game. If you really want to talk about diversity, at least from us, one need only look at my personal commitment to Los Angeles and it's incredible array of nationalities represented in the three year Fiction project entitled, "They Call It They City of ANGELS." I have been watching this controversy unfold and as it unravels, find it is time to join in the conversation.
Wednesday January 27 2016  /  A version of This Article was Published on Jan 23 2016 at BUREAU Sites across The United States : LA / NY / S.F. / MIDWEST



Film lovers, film critics, film goers, film makers and film aficionados all seem to be giving their opinions, dissertations and criticisms on the lack of diversity at this years Academy Awards. Anyone who is familiar with this publication knows how much we have been influenced by African American Artists, Filmmakers, Musicians and everyday people. From John Coltrane to Spike Lee, from Ice-T to Malcolm X, from Interviews and Essays on Compton Sculptor Charles Dickson, Oakland's JAHI, Leimert Park's Barbara Morrison, Poet Sabreen Shabazz or Baltimore photographer Kanayo Adibe, who is actually from Africa, we at this publication are more diverse than anyone in this publishing game. If you really want to talk about diversity, at least from us, one need only look at my personal commitment to Los Angeles and it's incredible array of nationalities represented in the three year Fiction project entitled, "They Call It They City of ANGELS." I have been watching this controversy unfold and as it unravels, find it is time to join in the conversation. 

This is a tough one. For starters, I am from Los Angeles, so  I don't have that chip on the shoulder towards the Hollywood elite that taints so much of the National and International dialogue. Nor am I overly impressed with celebrity, we see it everyday,  grew up with it,  even work with it on occasion. The East Coast film critic's, like A.O. Scott, whom I have always admired and many others, have found it easy to slam, dismiss and criticize the Academy. A simple assessment is any easy way out of actually thinking about and truly wondering what all this is really about. I think this issue deserves more than that. Let's see if we can take this further. Spike Lee has taught many of us, who are not of African dissent what it is like to be, 'Of Color.'  Spike has given us some of the best moments ever. To me personally, these are not black moments, these are simply human experiences, but to many, Spike Lee explained what was up. The humor, the sadness, the beauty, the irony, the struggle, the defiance, the pride and the poverty, all personified, in his many films. I should explain that Spike, for many of us looking to make films in the early Eighties, us without money, was very important. How important ? Well, he was so significant to me, that on my first trip to New York City, the first thing I did, was take a cab from the airport directly to his newly opened store and purchased the Forty Acres and a Mule, his production companies name, sweatshirt, which I still own to this day. We studied his books and we knew that, maybe, we too could make films, without much money. Okay, my personal biases have been exposed, you know how long I've been in this, we got that out of the way. 

Spike Lee's catalogue is a glossary of life as he knows it with many great moments. I even remember the day, the very day that I saw the film trailer for his first movie, "She's Gotta have IT."  Spike is standing on the corner selling, "Three tube socks for five dollars, three tube socks for five dollars, If you don't come and see my movie, I will still be here selling three tube socks for five dollars."  I knew then and there, that this dude was someone I wanted to check out. Same feeling when I saw Brad Pitt in Thelma and Louise, I thought, this cat is going to do something interesting and I am going to be there when he does, and, he did. When you are part of a community, wether it is film or art or music or design or photography or surfing or architecture or literature, something happens to you, you are drawn to a particular medium and you either, A. Go to School or B. Seek Knowledge, there are other options, I did a little of both. The point is, if you really, really love the medium, as Quentin Tarantino will tell you, "Than, you can become a filmmaker."  Same rule applies for other arts, to a certain extent. Most writers of note agree that good writing can't be taught, it can be honed, but you have to have something, to begin with: experience. When I was first drawn to the Art World, I was very naive, in my mind, I pictured a world of artists and galleries and writers and thought they would all be waiting to welcome me, like a long lost family. I had no idea how treacherous, lecherous and venomous the experience could be. We all go through this experience. Spike Lee talks about waiting for the calls to come in after his first film, an after school special, anything, but the phone did not ring. I went through that with my art, with my films, with this magazine, and I'm what is commonly known as, "A white dude."  So, we persevere and the work gets better and we continue to offer it to this thing we call a community, but, after all, it's a business and so, we straddle the monster and somehow squeeze moments, images, ideas into something coherently transformative, entertaining, sometimes educational and other times simply something that feels correct, it has a flow, an authenticity and a lasting result of some sort. It could be a film, it could be a book, it could be an image. Filmmaking in particular is an odd mixture of literature, theatre and science. There are levels of excellence and levels of experience and every now and then, even a newcomer can totally blow away those who have been in the game for decades, like Paul Thomas Anderson did with his epic entry into the big leagues with, "Boogie Nights." Speaking of discovering new levels of performing, I will never forget how brave Mark Whalberg's performance was in that film. We knew we were witnessing something very rare. 

As far as Spike's journey goes, it has been harrowing actually, and right from the get go, controversy has been a part of his work, on and off the screen. He was a man of color entering what was considered a white mans medium. John Ford, Howard Hawks, Frank Capra, Cecil B. DeMille, George Stevens, John Huston, to name a few, all great filmmakers, telling great stories about what they knew, and what they knew, was mostly what they experienced, which was mostly from an Anglo viewpoint. Now, you should also know that Italian filmmakers, such as Martin Scorsese also faced extremely harsh experiences when dealing with, not only the Academy and West Coast film studios, but the public's reaction to the films that he had made. Many people forget that his life was actually threatened when the nomination for a young Jody Foster in his epic film Taxi Driver, came to the fore. Eventually, the studios realized that, the public wanted to see these films and the Academy honored their originality and their craft: breakthroughs were made. Francis Ford Coppola, Brian DePalma and John Cassavettes, took what DeSica, Fellini and Visconti had going back in Italy and rejuvenated the tradition. If you were a Swedish American, you had Ingmar Bergman. If you were a German American, you had Fritz Lang. If you were a French American, you had Truffaut. If you were an African American, you did not have a reference point per se, in Africa. You had Melvin Van Peebles, when it came to directing, but most of the time, you had, a white director, a white producer, a white writer, telling a black story. 

The black director working with the black actor, and a black writer was rare, actually, it still is rare. I am sure, through the years, from the personification of the maids in Gone With The Wind, to the criminals in The French Connection, to the entire black-xploitation films of the Nineteen Seventies that African Americans got sick and tired of seeing shit on the screen that did not, could not and would not properly represent who they were, who they are and what they were really experiencing.  Imagine a young Spike Lee watching, for the first time, "Birth of a Nation," with it's blatant viewpoints. That's some motivation to tell it like it is.  The so-called, 'black man,' which is a label that irks the hell out of me every time I hear it. Why do I have to use this label to discuss another human being ? Check out the speeches of Malcolm X on this subject. The very fact that young people today have to REMIND America and Universities and Politicians that BLACK LIVES MATTER is a real sign of where we are at today. The fact that the Supreme Court is swaying so far as to deny the rights of African Americans is simply absurd. Black people are being shot down all across America and here we are with one of the smartest, most patient, charismatic and open minded Presidents in the history of this great land, and, oh yeah, he just happens to Not Be WHITE. So, is all of this a backlash ? Maybe it is. Are we still in denial of our history ? Maybe we are. Is boycotting the Academy Awards going to make a difference ? Maybe it will. But most likely, it will simply start a dialogue and, I imagine, that is what Spike Lee is doing. What many don't know is that Spike Lee was actually given an honorary Oscar Award at the Governor's Ball earlier this year and so, his defiance has a particularly stinging effect. Already the Academy is exclaiming to now expand it's membership in some new and diverse way. Okay, that's a beginning. 

Here is where things get tricky. Will Smith, who is really a progeny of the Hollywood entertainment industry, having started on television with the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, forays into pop music and eventually taking on controversial and brave film roles such as, "Six Degrees of Separation," which was a particularly dangerous career choice that payed off well and led to his stellar performance as the Greatest Boxer, Poet and Anti War activist ever in, "ALI," has made a film this year, "Concussion," with a phenomenal performance, as an African doctor, who takes on, of all powerful entities, the National Football League, also known as the NFL. It just so happens that the SuperBowl, presented by the NFL and The Oscar Awards, presented by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, are the two largest advertising events of the entire year. The money to be made selling automobiles, beverages and entertainment products is unfathomable to the average person. The politics of which films gets nominated is much deeper, and complicated than any one of us can imagine. Both media events happen in February. Will Smith, who has done very well with big Hollywood, big entertainment and big advertising was not nominated for an award this year. Will Smith's lovely and articulate wife, Jada, was one of the first West Coast personalities, to come out for the boycott. Unfortunately, it appeared to many, and even to me, that Mr. Smith, having been snubbed, possibly sulking around the house wondering what more he had to do to get some recognition for outstanding work in his chosen business, complained privately and in confidence to his life mate, who then came out against the lack of diversity at this years awards. People in the industry began to dismiss her objection. Reactions came quick and harsh, from former cast members to just about anyone. Lets face it, people are jealous of those who get the big bucks, those who get the accolades, those at the top of the pyramid. What I would like to remind both Will and Jada is that, first, you made a great film, secondly, and most importantly, the real reason you did not get nominated was not at all that you are a person with some color. Most likely, the reason you did not get nominated is clearly because you took on the National Football League in your film. It's the equivalent of my magazine writing an in depth article about how bad for your health drinking Coca Cola and eating at McDonalds is and then calling them for advertising. You made a brave film about the NFL and the entertainment industry sacked you. That is to be expected. These people play hard ball, this is big business in America folks. But, it was a brave move, so, like ALI, you gotta float like a butterfly 'cause you already stung like a bee.  

But wait, that's not all, ye old plot thickens. Conscientious white actors, such as the extremely socially active and aware Mark Ruffalo has now decided that he may not attend. Amazing since he is actually a Nominated Actor in what people call, a "Main Category." First of all people, ALL CATEGORIES at The Academy Awards are MAIN CATEGORIES. The first thing you learn as an actor or a technician in the world of Theatre and Film is the tired, but true maxim that, "There are no small parts, only small actors," The same is true for categories and awards. The fact that Mr. Ruffalo announced his concerns, prior to the Academy actually voting on a final winner is amazing. So then, Spike Lee has made a difference. But here's the problem, do we really want to have this award or that award go to someone of color because there was a boycott ? What will that do to the process over a long period of time ? Will the Academy then be forced to give a person of color a slot because we made them do it ?  The token award, like the token cast member who brings in a demographic ? That could get very convoluted. And then we have to ask ourselves, where are the Latino Actors ? Where are the Asian Actors ? The fact of the matter is, many of the actors in nominated and winning slots have been from England and Australia ? Some media personalities have joked that American White Actors should be up in arms about the Academy's policies and choices. I would like to see powerful celebrities like Will Smith and Jada Pinkett stand up to the Supreme Court who are currently about to gut the rights of African Americans and women across the nation. Who cares about the gold at the top, when the people who watch your films are so damn poor, they have to watch bootlegged versions of your films on the internet ? 

The Songwriter, Actor and Producer, IceCube, who has done very well with his film franchise, starting with the breakthrough, "Friday," which my, 'white,' nephew turned me onto years ago, has received a nomination via his screenwriters in this years film, "Straight Outta Compton." When asked recently on BBC Television, what he thought of the recent upheaval, he simply replied, in that no nonsense style, that we have come to love and respect, that he doesn't make films for awards, he makes them for the fans, he makes them for the curious, he makes them to tell a story, and if they don't get awards, maybe it's time to walk away. Then he added, "How can you boycott something that you never attended to begin with ? "  Which does put a lot of this in perspective. My office is not far from South Central. I see the real problems facing my African American friends and neighbors. My work takes me into areas of Downtown where thousands of African American people live on the streets. I watch whats happening across the country. I read newspapers in almost every state of the union. The real problems of unity, diversity and justice won't necessarily happen through the entertainment industry. We as Americans need to deal with our past. We need a return to manufacturing and jobs. We need to deal with the Corporate takeover that happened years ago. We need to embrace our differences and unify through those variations. If they don't give us awards, and if Coca-Cola and McDonalds doesn't advertise in our magazine, then, we have simply got to do, what we have always done and always will do, in the words of the late great Curtis Mayfield, we've got to, "Keep on Pushin." 

Dateline Tuesday January 19th, 2016

This WEEK CNN Reporters Share with Readers and Viewers The Persons Who Changed Their Lives. Link provided below ... BUREAU Editor Joshua TRILIEGI Chimes In.


CNN Reporters are currently sharing 'feel good' stories about how their lives were changed by a person of import. Do We Really need to know who changed the lives of privileged reporters ?  If so, here's a little story that changed my life. 

From the time I was 6 months old, till the day he left the planet, my father, Richard Joseph Flynn, was always there for me. He raised me, my sister, my brother. We bought a modest home and, like most Americans, we enjoyed a middle-ish class lifestyle. My parents worked hard to keep us together, to get us through school and they sent me to college. Both my parents were, culturally speaking, ahead of their time. Sometimes, that was a challenge and other times, it was a very beautiful experience. We were introduced to an extremely wide range of cultures, diverse lifestyles and cutting edge art, music, fashion and the like. My dad had the heart of a lion, the charm of any movie star, the diligence of any father and he had the luck of the Irish. He was born in 1945, exactly twenty years before me. He experienced an incredible time in America, the invention of Rock & Roll, the rise of a powerful youth culture and the tragedies of politics, with the killing of John F. Kennedy. An event that, to this day, neither he, nor I, nor anyone, has truly understood, recovered from or accepted. But, we went on, because, we had to. Something was indeed stolen from America that day, and yet, we learned something too, about loss, about power, about politics and about reporting the truth. I wish I could say that the person who changed my life was my father. Unfortunately, it was his brothers Dennis and David Flynn who did that, the day they stoled our family home from us.  

As stated earlier, my father, lived the life of his generation, no holds barred. That lifestyle, took it's toll and like many, the years on this planet were decidedly about quality, not quantity. The day he died, I received a phone call from his brother Dave, who informed me that my father had died, that he had asked for me late into the night, that he had been dropped off at the hospital and without accompaniment, without notification of me, my mother or my siblings, he had died, alone. "I think I made a mistake by dropping him off at the hospital," I was told by what sounded like a guilt ridden brother, asking for forgiveness, asking for support, asking for a partner, in me. Then I was told that my father had expressed that I was to be an heir to his property. This was no surprise. My father, whom had worked so hard to own a piece of America, had, like many fathers, stated the now cliche' phrase, "Someday, this will all be yours," and my consistent and steadfast response, " I don't want to think about that right now." Who wants to ever imagine the loss of a father?  I couldn't fathom living on a planet without my dad and I sure as hell didn't want to think about or visualize the day when his property would become my property. In the months to follow, the lawyers and liars changed my life forever. They gutted the house, they threw away the valuables, the photos, the artworks, the books, the memories of MY life. A home we purchased as a family, for some 40,000 dollars was sold to total strangers for some 500,000 dollars. Talk about an American success story, looking at the numbers, clearly my father had made decisions that were spot on: I had to admire him as I looked back on his investment. When word got out that David Flynn and Dennis Flynn had stolen the home and neglected my father's dying request, our neighbors, our childhood friends, our witnesses were aghast. People came forward, volunteering to make official statements, on the record on our behalf. I was devastated, blindsided, and down for the count. Unprepared for this type of loss, I called some old friends in the real estate business, to no avail. The houses were sold, the brothers disappeared and the city of Los Angeles accepted half of the 500,000 dollars as my fathers casual will and last dying testament was ignored. 

Don't bust out the violins too soon here, the story gets even worse. Around this same time, I delivered by registered mail, a work of Art, that was my most valuable creation to date: A 100 foot long Artwork which was a tribute to Jack Kerouac's Novel, "On The Road," to one of the world's most powerful and influential Art Gallery owners in the world. Within a few days, I received a letter, stating that the gallery was not currently accepting submissions. There was no mention of the artwork. When I called the gallery with shipping and billing instructions to return the work, I was given the run around. When I called the Art Publications and Newspapers of record explaining the incident, I was met with total silence. Why would the worlds most powerful art media advertiser's side with an unknown artist and lose millions of dollars of advertising from the worlds most powerful art dealer, to support me ?  The answer is, they wouldn't, and, they didn't. I don't need to name name's here, I'm not the type of guy. The fact of the matter is, this happened. This was long before I officially stepped into the publishing game and it's one of the reason why I did establish the current Arts publication that has millions of readers around the world reading interviews and viewing photographic essays, reviews and a fresh dissertation on the arts in America and the world. I learned that if I wanted a voice in my community, I would have to create my own platform and that is what I did. It should be noted the publication did not seek revenge on those who stole, those who oppressed, those who lied, those who ignored, those who watched, as an individual artist rose from the ashes and somehow, with the help of family, friends and philanthropist's, helped to transform a silly little blog into a free, glossy, paper edition magazine, that I personally hand delivered to thousands and thousands of residents throughout California and eventually, an electronic edition that is currently being read by millions of people around the entire world. This might be a good time to thank those who helped and those who opposed, those who participated and those who watched from the sidelines, as far as I am concerned, everything and everyone has had an effect and I thank you all. 

Again, hold off on the violins, theres more. Also around this same time, I was given a film grant by the Actor Ben Stiller for five thousand dollars to create a film program at a local Los Angeles Film Festival, where I was the director of Development, having worked my way up over a seven year period, from a volunteer at the festivals premiere, to the creative producer of a film series based on the letters of artists of note. The film became a creative hit for the community and a group of New Directors, each with a bold and original style. That year, I personally raised fifty - thousand dollars worth of in-kind trades, created the feature film with the help of fifteen tenacious and talented directors and producers and generated an immense interest in the project via local radio, newspapers and my prior supporters through the years. Paramount Pictures presented the film to a packed house and double screening, MTV, David Geffen and Dreamworks were taking my calls and, I would like to thank them for being so open to the rough diamond that I was. Loss is a powerful entity. It makes for good drama, it is the kernel of all great comedy, it is the only guarantee in life and if you can survive, it makes for some very interesting and empathetic energy that no amount of money or success or worldly accolades can provide. I regret nothing of this journey. Unfortunately, due to conditions beyond my control, the film festival did not survive. But I did. 

No violins just yet, this gets even more absurd when my grandfather leaves the planet. Now I'm totally gone. The powerful and mythological shadow that I had spent years studying and documenting, visiting and researching, speculating and honoring, was now gone, and so was I. The party was over. My dad, our home, the artwork, the festival, my grandfather, no longer existed. I missed a day of work the day my father died, at a new job with a film company, during my first thirty days, and was let go. Now you can bust out the violins. Since then, things have changed. With donations, I completely reproduced the 100 foot artwork. I accepted the losses, I forgave those in power, who abused it, I became, according to my peers and the public at large, a writer, with an original voice. I accept that compliment and again, I thank our readers and those who contributed to the end result. So who is the person who changed my life ? My dad ? His brother ? My Grandfather ?  Ben Stiller ?  The Gallery Owner ? The Festival Founder ? Or the only person who stood by me, every single step of the way back up ? I will leave that for you to decide, or guess.  The point is this, if there is a point at all. When you lose like I did, life becomes too important to play games, too valuable to depreciate, too beautiful to make ugly, too incredible to belittle and too damn important to bother with the millions and millions of people, who have not figured this out yet.  So, if I didn't notice the game you played, or the ugly thing you said, or the belittling thing you did, or the fact that you still own a house, have a dad, a job, and or are currently abusing your power: at least you now know Why

Dateline Sunday January 10, 2016
sean penn 2016, el chapo 2016. rolling stone magazine scoops the world 2016

This Week: SEAN PENN and Rolling Stone Magazine scoop The Rest of The Entire World's NEWS SOURCES by bring us an Inside Interview and a clandestine journalist's journey into the private world of one the continent's most wanted men : EL CHAPO.


Dateline Friday January 8, 2016

kcrw 2016. warren olney,

This Week : Warren Olney and his Producers : Sarah Sweeney, Christine Detz and Evan George have presented through interview and debate a very concise and interesting take on What is really happening in The Current Oregon federal standoff, regarding ranchers, grazing and property issues. Possibly the best coverage on this issue to date.

   Visit The KCRW Radio Coverage of this Current and Important development :

Dateline Wednesday January 6, 2016


Native American tribal members step into the federal stand off in Oregon to remind All AMERICANS that if anyone has a right to Property in America: It is The Native Americans. In a story this week by JONATHAN ALLEN at REUTERS entitled, " Oregon Native Tribe uneasy with armed standoff over land rights "  Tribal members explain that History is a book with many back pages, especially in AMERICA. 

View the Article at REUTERS: 

View The FULL Video presentation on YOUTUBE: 


Are Politicians Today Abusing their power by dividing this country into little States with big Issues with one another, VOTERS might start taking a good look at these ploys...

How The Republicans and The Democrats disagree on Climate Issues that are still being considered, "A Debate." Check out the New York Times Article By JOHN SCHWARTZ Dated December 4, 2015. Entitled : Chief of House Science Panel Picks Battle Over Climate Paper. Representative Lamar Smith, a Republican from Texas, who is chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology is going toe to toe with Kathryn D. Sullivan, the administrator of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, making The US Government look like anyone wearing a light blue shirt can claim scientific authority. The only thing less interesting is the debate between Mr Snow and The Heat MISER in the Famous 1970s X-mas animation film [ links provided below].




The Democratic Presidential Debate 

By J. A. Triliegi

Dateline Saturday November 14, 2015 

In comparison to the most recent Republican Presidential debate, the Democrats had a love fest, set an agenda, clarified their differences and, it seems to me, are starting to create a cabinet ideology for the American people, before they even win the election, which, if they continue as such, may very well do so. 

O.K. So, no one onstage has the charisma, the excitement and energy that President Barack Obama brought to the elections seven years ago. What many do have is an intelligence, a concern and clearly a compassion for working class people that could entirely mobilize a young, ethnic and elderly crowd who care about the future of America. That is not to say that Republicans do not care about the future, obviously, they do, in their own ' special way.'  

The Democrats have, to their credit, a program of inclusivity for the New America, the young America, the first and second generation America and Americans. It's way to soon to say, who, will get the nominations on either side. Obviously, their are front runners, it's a horse race, but the conditions of the track, have not been identified: I would not lay bets just yet. Looking at how Mr. Obama stacked his cabinet and appointments after his victory some years ago, gives us an idea of how the Democratic National team, does their thing. It appears that they will most likely do the same and, if they do, this could be good news for working class, the middle class, students and a wave of much needed compassion in America. Hey, lets not get carried away, it's politics we are talking about here, not rocket science or brain surgery, this is a Nation.  One thing for sure, it would be beautiful if America realized that UNITED is a big part of our name and UNITED is how we make life better for real Americans, All Americans, in the New America, the America of tomorrow : Today.

Bernie SANDERS : Who would have thought this little dude with the very Big Spirit could overcome all the obvious concerns and send a strong message to people who sold us out long ago. If America can hear his message, if he can convince middle America that he can actually do what he will set out to do, he will make a great Vice President. Yeah, I know, it's still to soon to say and yet…

Hillary CLINTON : Obviously, she's got it going on. Can she clarify how her White House will work ? With Bill, it was daily running, trips to McDonalds and one incredible economy boosting machine, that put America back to work. What will a second CLINTON go round be ? We are wondering and she has wanted it for a very long time. I hope we don't have to turn this into the first woman thing all year long. She would do well to shy away from that type of storyline and deal with some of the things Sanders is dealing with: Minimum Wage, Banks and Campaign Finance Reform.  

Martin O'MALLEY : Yes, he's young, he's straight as an arrow and squeaky clean behind the ears, but hey: he's very honest. Who knew how great the State of Maryland is ? Makes we want to move there tomorrow. He's what we can be proud of in America, and that's always a good thing and he's representing that state and his record with the utmost of straight forwardness, although, lets face it: Baltimore is in trouble and we all know it. 

Which brings up an interesting issue, no matter how great any President is, America, Authority, Government and Technology are at an all time LOW, when it comes to Respecting, Serving and Honoring The People. That said, Bernie SANDERS' call for a Political Revolution will probably be the most energizing aspect of this election cycle for issues that concern America today, and to counter that argument, you will always have The Republicans, who are going to turn this horse race into a World Wrestling Federation match, all the way down the line. 



The Republican Presidential Debate NOV 10 2015 

By Bureau Editor J. A. Triliegi

Dateline Tuesday November 10, 2015

A Quick look at the Republican Debate has this writer and sometime director of films wondering: Whose coaching these candidates ? As a complete outsider of politics with a few distant family ties to strong and influential politicians in my lineage: Here is my advice. And, this comes from neither a Rep or a Dem viewpoint, just a viewer of the Circus we now call politics in America. 

First of all, its time to admit the your party is in trouble. You went so far to the right that many Americans find it hard to relate to the artifice. You were the party that had at its center: Abraham Lincoln. Your last president conserved nothing at all. Even your hero Ronald Reagan, de-unionized America and made it very difficult for young people to enter Junior Colleges across America. O.K. You gave us Yosemite, that was amazing. But now you are denying global warming, come on folks, your better than that. Stop polarizing and demonizing to get what you want. 

America is hurting because your party and the democrats can't work together to get things done and We The PEOPLE are hurting and we are hurting bad. Maybe its time for a new approach, on both sides, to simply Serve The People ? Besides the fact that your party just lost a speaker, who publicly admitted that he left because his party demanded too much of him in an unrealistic fashion. Get real and get real quick. Here are a few notes as this reporter sees your performance.

Ben Carson : Find more energy pal. Try a double espresso or maybe some gingko biloba, more oxygen to the brain. Also the mic in the ear thing after a debate, makes us wonder who is feeding you answers ? 

Carly Fiorina : Probably, the smartest person on stage. Strong articulation of ideas. I would suggest to talk about your family more. It's O.k. to be a woman up there.

Jeb Bush : The family legacy is dragging you down a bit. Find your center, believe in yourself more. We don't want to know about cute names, we want a leader. Dude, your a Bush, might as well act like one. Toughen up.

Rand Paul : You've come a long way. Command the stage a bit more. Find your inner - President. Send flowers to someone at Fox. O.K. Your fiscally responsible, now what ? 

Ted Cruz : Forget the sweeping arm movements, it's not working. Forget about the boat and the salt air, get on with it. Stick to the short, exacting statements. Loosen up just a little bit. Take three steps toward the center. Your not Joe McCarthy or are you ?

The Trump : Always a pleasure. You cooled down the crazy antics, way to go. Yes, you don't need to mention a website, but you do need to find some compassion. You hosted Saturday Night Live, is it all downhill from here ? 

Marco Rubio : Get Large and get large quick. Watch Tom Cruise movies all this week, the guy is small, but you wouldn't know it on the screen. O.k. your a family man, we got it.  

The other guy : Forget about it. Hey, you had your fun. Your daughters will be fine no matter who is President. Who are you kidding ?

Tune in here for more casual insights throughout the 2016 election and, Yes, we will, in the name of fairness in reporting, also be, 'Sending Up,' the Democrats at BUREAU NEWS. 

This article is dedicated to the spirit and memory of Hunter S. Thompson. 

ART Pick: image: TRISTAN EATON  [Detail]  SUBLIMINAL PROJECTS in Los Angeles  http://www.TristanEaton.Net


Hari Sreenivason and Yvette Feliciano Report from PBS News on Nov 8th 2015 

The Argument: Un Accompanied Children of Dangerous Countries who flee that country to enter America are and should be given Refugee status, instead, many are being represented in court without a lawyer and without proper translation. The ACLU is currently attempting to take Government Policy and departments to task in Court. 

Statistics: 62% of just under 20,000 Children from other countries, many who have fled due to dangerous or precarious situations at home, are currently not represented by lawyers. Although, they are currently being prosecuted by lawyers payed by the U. S. Government. 

The ACLU: Ahilan Arulanantham, a fifteen year veteran of Immigration law Policy is representing The American Civil Liberties Union and calls the Immigration laws in place a labyrinth or a maze. He argues that if the U.S. Government is willing to prosecute, they should also be willing to pay US lawyers to represent the children and or refugees properly.  

Center for Immigration Studies: Mark Krikorian  calls the lawsuit frivolous.

US Senate Sub Committee : Richard Shelby ( R ) from Alabama explains, "We Can't Take everyone in the World." and  "If We don't protect our borders… were going to have a nation of Chaos." He adds, "The sooner we process them and send them back home, the better off we are."  What Mr. Krikorian is unaware of or simply not willing to admit, is that he is actually sending many of these children into situations that include prostitution, gang related opportunities and sometimes, because of family histories and or their relatives previous experience: Death. 

View the Entire PBS NEWS Video Report at :  

In a related Story Michael D. Shear on Nov 5th noted in an article in the New York Times that not a single child in the past 365 days has been admitted by Obama's new immigration entry program. heres The link :

This Week: Read in Elder BUSH's BIO by Jon Meacham Exactly Why America needs leadership with a 20/20 foresight and not clarified hindsight in The New York Times Article of Nov 4th 2015 entitled, "Elder Bush Says His Son Was Served Badly by Aides." By Peter Baker.

This Week: Read in Elder BUSH's BIO by Jon Meacham Exactly Why America needs leadership with a 20/20 foresight and not clarified hindsight in The New York Times Article of Nov 4th 2015 entitled, "Elder Bush Says His Son Was Served Badly by Aides." By Peter Baker.

ALSO: Take a Look at The Apparatus Called Homeland Security which George Bush Jr. allowed to be installed by men that George Bush Senior, [ Cheney + Rumsfeld ] now calls out, way after the fact.

Recent Washington Hearing: A Review of Progress by the Department of Homeland Security 

Live Stream Oct 27th 2015   https://youtu.be/M5_deH-8esI?t=1h24m49s

Mr. Lahood : "… On The inspector generals report that found the failure of TSA to find the mock explosives and the band weapons over 95% of the time, So since that occurred and the analysis that was generated from that, if another, say, mock test was done, today, what would be different ? 

Dr. Brothers : " I believe the results would be different, but, I think this type, It would be good to get back to the classified discussion of some of the changes if you like, that have been made.  "

Mr Lahood : " Are you confident there would be a different outcome if that were done today. "

Dr. Brothers " I believe there would be a different outcome. Yes."

Homeland Security Head Testify On ISIS And Other Threats To The HOMELAND 

Oct 7 - 9th 2015  Homeland Security Week 
Brought together 250+ attendees and top homeland security leaders from government, industry and academia alike to discuss current challenges and future requirements necessary for numerous government agencies.

Also Reported earlier this year on CNN, ABC + at Techdirt: 

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This Week: Why Donald Trump just may be the best Weapon Democrats have at Winning The Next Election: READ The US World + News Reports Recent Article Entitled, "Marco Rubio Becomes the Latest Trump Target: Trump knocks the Florida senator for his Senate attendance and financial troubles."

This Week : BUREAU NEWS Commends Ralph NADER for Asking The Question, " Why are None of These Presidential Candidates being Asked : "What is Your Position on Corporate Crime ?" on Fri Sept 18th 2015 at Democracy Now Morning Show. Heres The LINK: http://www.democracynow.org/shows

This Week : BUREAU NEWS Commends The President of The United States of America for uttering these three simple Words, " Cool Clock, Ahmed... " In regards to a 14 year Old Young man being handcuffed and suspended for making a, "Cool Clock..." here are The LINKs to This Story:


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FALL 2015 Edition BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE MAGAZINE : This Edition contains The BUREAU ICON Essay: BOB DYLAN. Interviews + Photographic Essays with Alex HARRIS on The INUIT, Kanayo ADIBE in Baltimore, Lynn SAVILLE in New York City, Mike MILLER on West Coast Style, Ryan SCHIERLING in AUSTIN and BUREAU  GUEST Artist: Melissa Ann PINNEY ART Interview with David BURKE in Bay Area.  Plus: Michelle HANDELMAN. New FICTION: THEY CALL IT THE CITY of ANGELS Part III  MUSIC Contributor: Sarah Rose PERRY on The Femme PUNK Scene. MUSIC Interview with JAHI. Plus US MUSEUMS: Detroit's 30 ARTISTS Exhibit, Milwaukee's Larry SULTAN, Photo LA, BOOK Stores Across US: BookPeople, Anderson's, City Lights, Book Reviews from STRAND NYC. Classical MUSIC and Rock & Roll: Not So Different After All.  Elliott  Landy and The BAND.  Edward  Hopper at The Cantor. All This and More Plus BUREAU On Line Links to The ART Fairs in MIAMI 2015 with Exclusive Audio Interviews, Reviews & New Online Articles All Year Round at The New BUREAU CITY SITES Across America an The World Through Internet. BUREAU is MEDIA Partner for PHOTO LA . RED NATION FILM FEST + MORE...








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This Week : BUREAU NEWS Commends The NEW YORK TIMES for It's Coverage of a Possible Merger of 4 Insurance Companies that has Doctors and The Anti Trust Advocates up in Arms and Why It should concern You...

This Week: BUREAU NEWS Commends The Baltimore SUN for Showcasing The Fine Photographic Essay By KANAYO ADIBE 

    at The Guardian FOR COVERAGE OF ECUADOR 2015

BUREAU EDITORIAL: DIS-organization[s]

By Joshua A. TRILIEGI  Archived and Originally Published June 2015 Summer Edition

What has happened to today's organizations ? There was a time when being 'organized' meant doing something that improved life for the group of people you were associating with. Is today's society embroiled in a power struggle that allows Members Only to be favored exponentially ? Are organizations and associations wielding their power in a manner that could be abusive ? Have you noticed that individuals and heads of particular departments, including the mouthpieces in media outlets and those in the public eye are using their platforms in a disingenuous manner ? If you have answered, 'Yes' to any of these questions, you are not alone. From Churches to Non - Profits, from Television networks to Newspaper publishers, from Markets to Corporations, from Neighborhood to Region, from States to Cities & Counties: we are now experiencing  a shift in the ideology of a Group vs The Individual.

What has happened to today's organizations ? There was a time when being 'organized' meant doing something that improved life for the group of people you were associating with. Is today's society embroiled in a power struggle that allows Members Only to be favored exponentially ? Are organizations and associations wielding their power in a manner that could be abusive ? Have you noticed that individuals and heads of particular departments, including the mouthpieces in media outlets and those in the public eye are using their platforms in a disingenuous manner ? If you have answered, 'Yes' to any of these questions, you are not alone. From Churches to Non - Profits, from Television networks to Newspaper publishers, from Markets to Corporations, from Neighborhood to Region, from States to Cities & Counties: we are now experiencing  a shift in the ideology of a Group vs The Individual.    

Of course there are the exceptions, sometimes within an organization, one will find a partial, fair and exemplary individual & even the occasional entire organization as a whole. Though, we should always remember that many clubs, schools, religions and membership style affiliations are exactly created for the sake of empowering that particular group and sometimes rewarding it's members for their behavior within the group. A membership radio station will reward it's listeners with occasional gifts, a membership film festival will rewards its members with discounts to events, a membership museum will allow priority access to its members and a membership religion will go as far as offering jobs, counseling, a social activity and sometimes even life after death. The membership markets offer admission and discounts to products, all sounds fair, yes ? Well, maybe. What happens when non members wish to participate in a related event ? What happens when non members wish to promote or interview or even celebrate something related to this group, be it, radio or museum or marketplace or film festival or even religious ? There is room for abuses of power here and often times exclusive privileges depend on the very rejection of outsiders, non members and 'interlopers.' There are times when actually making an example of an individual is all part of the membership and organization game.  Either on the grand scale, for instance, when someone like Edward Snowden is admonished for sharing secrets, he is made to no longer freely live in America as an American, he is forced to make choices which drive him away from his country of origin.  

On a smaller scale, due to the many facets of groups and group thinking that have slowly but steadily spread into industries such as entertainment and publishing, being a member, is now being offered as entry into an industry, acceptance as an artist and eventually: success. Thats a very dangerous game. I recall visiting a small community on a tropical island, where the original group of natives had been, for many, many 100s of years affiliated with a particular religion. Because I was a visiting person with business contacts in the West, many of the people I met exclaimed how they had converted to a religion which is very popular in the West. I saw how there was a connection between business opportunities for converts and it startled me. Since that time, I have become more and more aware of this dilemma and must confess that I would personally prefer failure to success due to affiliation through a group of members of some sort. There are entire Arts Publications whose only contributors are members, graduates and teachers and or students of that school of thinking. There are entire theaters that exist solely to exhibit the talents and works by graduates of a certain school where people have studied art or film or music. 

So then, the financial aspects of this debate now creep into the room. If your parents can pay for your entry into a school or a University, then, talent allowing, you may have a chance. The problem with this dilemma is that, eventually, it sets up a much larger paradigm wherein a whole other group is conversely created, one in which non whites or non asians or non mexicans or non _________ [ Fill - in - the - blank ]  are excluded.  Thus creating a world of clubs, cliques and collectives without respect, regard or reward for non members. Unfortunately, I believe we have now arrived at this particular destination and within the very borders of each city, state and country, the infantile philosophies surrounding this way of thinking are handicapping our ability to progress as a society, a country a planet: we are in trouble people. Had I not been raised in Los Angeles or travelled throughout the world or even been respectful, curious and a learned student of International films, art and music, maybe I would not even be fully aware of this dilemma. Editing and creating a magazine that seeks to speak with the best artists, actors, filmmakers, culturally aware individuals has indeed been an education in this regard. 

"Every now and then, I meet an incredible individual 
          who seeks only to offer the beautiful thing that 
                                   their institute is actually there to offer…"

As was mentioned, every now and then, I meet an incredible individual who seeks only to offer the beautiful thing that their institute is actually there to offer. An example of that would be every image you see in this edition of the magazine from a gallery or museum. Though, unfortunately, more often than not, we receive a cold reception or worse a manipulated, contrived and down right embarrassingly false set of circumstances that include denial of full access, a series of bureaucratic levels which hinder the goal or simply being lied to or delayed or ignored, resulting in a particular due date having since than expired, thus creating the inability to sponsor, participate or include a contribution of some sort. Sometimes, non members are offered some form of limited access, which is than manipulated to show the 'non-member,' how great life could be, if only they joined the club of conformists, believers, non-believers, etc… Playing the game to get what you want. 

These social traps are set on a daily basis. More often than not, walking away is the best bet, though, as a publication, with a goal oriented schedule to promote, affiliate and sponsor social events that surround art, music, film, science, culture and eventually receive advertising dollars to provide a service to the institutes, organizations and companies or non profits, my concerns sometime lead me down the path to investigative journalism: where I am often aghast at the quote un-quote 'members' of some of these organizations. Sometimes this includes a local market or a non profit or an art gallery or even a member of my own government. How far will all of this member versus non member go before it blows up in our faces ? Or is that the point ? Look around at your world. Look around at your organizations. Look around at your own religion, your own so - called group. If you like what you see. Cool. But, if you notice that your superiority is based on the fact that you are a so-called 'member' of a group, that is either based on belief, income, non-belief or lack of income, race, color, age, sex, education, admission fee, a particular lifestyle or some other in-crowd superficial aspect, it may be that you are not superior at all. Quite possibly the exact opposite may be true. 

The First in a Series By Joshua A. TRILIEGI  Archived and Originally Published 2012 / 2013

How they happen, where they happen, how often they happen. Motivation. Locations. Statistics. Why hate crimes happen is a more educating question to delve into.  How does hate start ?

Usually there is a form of history involved. A person or a group of people have a history. Everybody has a history. An event or a series of events is interpreted by a person or a group of people and a reaction is created or a response is activated either without thinking about it or by planning that reaction accordingly. Being true to a certain code, to a certain religion or to a certain value is every single persons choice. We do have a variety of belief systems on this planet, in this country, this state, this city, this neighborhood, this house, this room, this wall, this etc ... 

"Forgiveness Is An Island We Rarely Visit In Todays Society.  Even The Most Religious Of People Have Yet To Learn How To Truly Forgive. How To Forgive When So Much Pain, Loss, Suffering And Injustice Inflames Our Daily World ? "  

The world has gotten so small that forgiving one another for our histories as a people may be the first step in moving towards a resolution beyond these limitations. Hate is understandable when we look closer at those whom hate and those whom are hated. Any group of people or any individual who has endured oppression, slavery, ridicule is going to have some serious and justified feelings about the things that have happened either to them or their ancestors. There is a cliche' which goes something to the effect that, 'The oppressed become the oppressors.' There is some truth in this human condition & yet breaking through a cliche' such as this one is the answer to healing. Forgiveness is an island we rarely visit in todays society.                                                                    

Even the most religious of people have yet to learn how to truly forgive. How to forgive when so much pain, loss, suffering and injustice inflames our daily world ? And what of the forgiveness' s of the past ? Forgive a holocaust ? Forgive years of slavery ? Forgive genocide ? Once a person or a people have experienced tragedy, how indeed do they move forward ? The events of the past tend to shape our current beliefs. Our experience, our parents and grandparents as well as our various countries and continents all carry a history that educates us all. The individual person has to begin to step up for what is correct in today's new society. To do that, to see things with a new eye, will mean that first we must digest our history and re look at what has happened to us through this experience. How did it change our way of seeing the world and each other and how will we transform this experience into a better world for ourselves as well as our oppressors or those whom have enslaved or ridiculed either us or our ancestors. 

" The States All Have Different Values. Different Ways Of Living. We Have Different Challenges. Different Everything And Yet, We Are All United. " 

In some case both. It starts with knowing our history as group of human beings with a multitude of colors, faiths & origins. Clearly we have a diversity of individuals & groups whom share some of the most basic concerns. In America, there is the most basic right as a human to life liberty & the pursuit of happiness. We have a special arrangement which is built into the Bill of Rights, The Constitution and a whole variety of laws which were set in place by a group of very oppressed individuals whom got on ships to create a colony that they decided needed independence. The Declaration of Independence is an awesome document to behold. Many of the founders of the United States of America were being told which religion to believe in by their former country. Many of the early settlers and colonizers were from other countries. France, Russia, Spain & England all had a hand in creating this country.One of the secrets of our founding is the contribution made by Native Americans. Many of the most interesting and American structures of our government were taken from the belief systems of the Tribes, Chiefs and people whom had governed and lived on this continent for thousand of years prior to the forming of this incredible, young and interesting experiment we call The United States of America. United is a key word. We have got to stay united. 

The States all have different values. Different ways of living. We have different challenges. Different everything and yet we are all United. Hate has no place in our society. Hate crimes are happening because some individuals and groups would want others to live by their rules, by their religion, by their belief system. Its downright wrong to carry hate. Any person could find a reason to do so. That same person could also choose to live life in whatever way they see fit to do so. Americans have often been the leaders in progressive ways of thinking, living & working. Los Angeles is a special city. It represents the entire world in many ways. So too is New York City and more and more, the world.

" In the real world, we all lose when hate crimes take over where common sense and respect for one another take a back seat to regions, ideas or differences among us. It  may  be  time  to rethink how our political statements, our religious beliefs  and  our perceptions of one another  as  human  beings  effect  us. " 

We have a responsibility to show the world how to work together without divisive ideas such as how different we all are. In the sports world, there are winners and losers, there are teams and players. In the real world, we all lose when hate crimes take over where common sense and respect for one another take a back seat to regions, ideas or differences among us. It may be time to rethink how our political statements, our religious beliefs and our perceptions of one another as human beings effect us. How do they effect others ? Are you hurting someone else ? Are you creating an atmosphere where only you or your group are correct in your actions ? If so, it may be time to open your mind, your heart and maybe even your pocketbook. At least ponder the questions which are raised here.

Emasculation of The American Male Today

What has happened to today's Male Voices in Radio ?  This does not include your local pop station, or favorite AM/FM Talk reporter. We're talking about National Radio, which includes shows with hosts such as This American Life's Ira Glass, Adam Felber and television reviewer David Bianculli. Vocally speaking, these guys are eunuch's. Now you ask, "What's a eunuch ?" According to Webster's dictionary : eunuch / ˈyonək / noun / a man who has been castrated, esp. (in the past) one employed to guard the women's living areas at an oriental court. / an ineffectual person: a nation of political eunuchs. ORIGIN Old English, via Latin from Greek eunoukhos, literally ‘bedroom guard,’ from eunē ‘bed’ + a second element related to ekhein ‘to hold.’ and there you have it.  So, why did I have to explain to you, my dear reader, what a eunuch is, and not to Glass, Felber or Bianculli ? For one, all these guys were forced to go to college, they all know very well the meaning of words. But can they walk home, in the dark, from one city to another, without calling a cab, finding a bus or hitching a ride in the back of a truck, train or eighteen wheeler ?   Robert Mitchum, the late great actor, whose voice was indeed in touch with what writer Robert Bly might call his, 'Inner - Man,' certainly knew how. He struggled from the time he was just a boy, went hungry, was arrested for vagrancy and eventually landed in Los Angeles and became the man we now know, love and respect. Just because your voice is deep doesn't mean you have a pair. Take a look at Prairie Home Companion, which is cute and harmless, like a good husband should be. It's a midwest celebration of life in simpler times hosted and created by Garrison Keilor. Nothing bad ever happens in Lake Wobegon, where the show takes place, "Where, the women are strong and the men are handsome …" something to that effect. Keilor's private detective routine deflates the Humphrey Bogart model and myth into one in which even Keilor could seem tough. One would be hard pressed to imagine him holding his own with the likes of John Huston, Lauren Bacall or even Sydney Greenstreet for that matter. Let alone marching on Washington for the rights of fellow writers being blacklisted. Even if Bogie recanted his testimony, he had the guts to at least attempt to 'do something' for fellow writers during a time of struggle in America. 

Today's radio personalities are funded by the very powers that they should be able to criticize constructively and accurately or some semblance thereof. Ira Glass's,  This American Life is a brilliant show, but if anybody in America actually believes that the FBI would ever allow a story on this show to 'reveal' anything pertinent to the American public, you are  dreaming. The Federal Government actually regulates, at almost every level, what is being said on national radio. Not only that, but the public may be unaware that everything that is stated on radio is a matter of public record, the same as a statement made in a court of law. Recently, Ira Glass sent me, as well as millions of Americans a request to send in their most interesting, 'DRUG' stories. Now here is a real entrapment opportunity. Some people, no doubt, sent in stories about taking drugs that would indeed be alerted by the authorities, every transmission of communication in this country is indeed suspect from one department to another. Ever since the attack of September 11th, a new system of tracking & documenting individuals was put into place. If the government and sometimes anyone else, wants to know what you ate, what you watched, what you said, where you went and certainly what you wrote to an individual connected with being overseen by the federal communications commission, its a no brainer. Cameras now cover America, almost every store, every street, every eatery, every highway, taxi, bus, has the eye in the sky. Many of these cameras are live and being transmitted to other locations for the sake of publicity or in the name of promoting your business via companies such as google. On the one hand, its for security, on the other its simply 'Un- American'. Question: So, What does all this have to do with the American Male Voice in radio today ? 

Answer: Quite a bit. The war on drugs, which was a total failed approach has creeped into new and creative ways of finding out what Americans are doing for recreation, clearly Ira Glass has a pretty big file on folks who once, inhaled, dropped, snorted and puffed. Everyday for decades, people of color, who are often portrayed on radio as uneducated, overly accented and foolish, were arrested daily for having miniscule amounts of substances, while college students and executives were simply slapped on the back of the hand for posessing major amounts of similar substances. People of color have been abused by the press, the authorities, the media and the general white populist so much that even when a white writer, reporter, magazine editor such as myself attempts to explain, write about or befriend a community other than my own, I am held suspect. As a novelist, my job is to portray life with an authenticity and a, 'No holds Barred' attitude. As an essayist, in this case, the idea is to ponder a question and see where it leads. So then, what happened to the American male Voice in America ? The answer is, I don't know. What happened to America itself ?  

Well, we became scared of our own government after September 11th, then we became scared for our jobs, our future and in the mix, we were willing to give up our freedoms, our privacy and for some, willing to give up manhood. Of course were also talking about a generation of men whom many were raised by a single parent, often times a mother. Orson Welles was raised by his mother and he was no eunuch, lets look at what they did to him. When he made what is commonly called one of the best films ever made in America, CITIZEN KANE, he was blackballed from the industry, demonized by the right wing press, made a personal enemy of one of the most powerful media moguls in America. Before that, he took the great white hope, Shakespeare, and had the audacity to reset the play Macbeth in Haiti with an all black cast. The show was an out & out hit and it travelled throughout the country to great fanfare & review. Of course his biggest mistake was being so convincing on the page as well as on the air that during his famous War of The WORLDS presentation, naive Americans having been hyped by an already sensationalized news wave of information, regarding a possible war, were fooled into thinking that martians from another planet were actually invading America, first in New Jersey and later throughout the country. Some people, it was reported, jumped out of windows. Someone in the government was surely paying attention to that fiasco and asking, "How could we repeat that ?" A scared America, is an easily controlled America. 

So then, the question is not really about the over proliferation of emasculated male radio voices as much as the out - wind - ing of everyday Americans. Have we all been turned into eunuchs ? There is actually a word in the dictionary that is spelled, 'Eunochoid', it means, resembling or 'having been reduced to indeterminate sexual characteristics.' Which I should qualify, my argument has nothing whatsoever to do with sexual orientation. I have known many a tough gay person in my time and indeed witnessed physical feats of bravery on both sides of the great divide, male and female. What we are talking about here is empowering a nation of sheep to beware the wolf, by becoming the wolf again, in one way or another, lest ye be eaten by one. The term, "They've got us by the cross hairs," has always opened my imagination in this regard, it implies a certain back alley fist fight, no holds barred attitude in which we as a society must grapple with. If men are allowed to be men, Orson Welles, Robert Mitchum, Humphrey Bogart, for instance and women are allowed to be women, Agnes Moorhead, Roselyn Russel, Lauren Bacall for example, and Americans are allowed to be free to do what they will, at their will, without having to write an early will, than all will be well in America. But until that time, I listen, very dubiously, to the voices on the radio and pay much more attention to those very sane and original voices circulating and commiserating inside my very own beautiful mind.

The Second in a Series By Joshua A. TRILIEGI  Originally Published between 2012 - 2013 

HATE CRIMES  PART TWO : When Symbols of Good are used for Bad and the Militarization of Race and Belief 

by Joshua A. TRILIEGI

To understand how hate starts, is perpetuated and fueled for purposes of control and an attempt to influence, let's think about Immigrant Issues. America in its entirety is an immigrant Country. We were originally created by a mass exodus of people, some working class, some noblemen, some royalty, others simply looking for gold or a safe place to believe in their own idea of a god, others for a place to raise their families or to create a business which might flourish. Some were bent on creating a new country where a person could have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Native Americans inhabited this continent for thousands of years prior to the founding of this great land. Early on, settlers were taught how to grow food, where to place one's home, safe places to hunt, etc... 

" Many significant contributions were made by Native Americans in the forming of our government structure. A mix of parliamentary and tribal structures make up the systems that we hold dear to this day. " 

Many significant contributions were made by Native Americans in the forming of our government structure. A mix of parliamentary and tribal structures make up the systems that we hold dear to this day. Ben Franklin, one of the founders who was born in this country, was indeed a secretary early on, taking notes at original meetings between the tribal Chiefs and those forming the U S of A. Together, a fusion of systems was adopted to create what is still one of the most interesting government structures that exists on the planet today. Its a gift, a special and on going idea of freedom for all involved. Freedom to believe what one wishes, to express freely, to allow for differences within the community, to live. 

Immigrant issues have always been controversial, transformative, generational and indeed affected property values, job opportunities and the general landscape of America, it's people and their beliefs. For instance, in the midwest, German immigrants settled early on, they set up shop, brought new traditions of food, technology and craftsmanship and they flourished. Later, the Irish followed suit, after that Italians were given an opportunity. Each group was given a chance to contribute to this new land of opportunity. Enhancing our idea of what it is to be an American. They brought their economic ideas, their recipes, their medicine, their craft, their workmanship and yes, they brought their belief systems. Italian, Chinese and African Americans worked hard in building the railroads, earning places along the way, and settling foundations where and when those Railways ended. 

" Every person has the right to believe what they wish to believe, that is the American way. The real problems occur when a group of people begin to enforce their beliefs onto any individual or onto another group or onto our society as a whole. " 

Chinatown in both Los Angeles and San Francisco are a symbol of those periods of hard work. Of course the issue of slavery is something that still effects the changes and progress that are a part of our daily life in America. We fought that battle long ago, but on some levels, we still have yet to overcome the scars, the ideas, the troublesome patterns of color divisions which some would wish to perpetuate to this day. Flashing forward several hundred years, the xenophobia, the struggle to accept others, the fear of what is different is a two fold situation. A persons belief system is a persons belief system. Every person has the right to believe what they wish to believe, that is the American way. The real problems occur when a group of people begin to enforce their beliefs onto any individual or onto another group or onto our society as a whole. The use of symbols, be it a cross ( burning or otherwise ) , be it a color, be it a fetus, be it a flag ( burning or otherwise ) , be it a word, be it a letter or color ( Scarlet for instance ), be it a T-Shirt, be it a Poster, or in the case of current events in Egypt, be it a Film. Re-watch Birth of a Nation to understand how far back this goes. Any image which is used to hurt, coerce, exploit another human being only ends in sorrow, sadness and tragedy for both parties. 

Those whom use a symbol for hate are often treated with a natural backlash that often sets their entire group back. Impeding progress. In understanding hate, delving into these delicate societal issues that are indeed being employed in todays modern world is one way to reveal ways in which we may overcome such hatred. Young African Americans have taken a word that was meant to hurt their ancestors and flipped the script. Using it as a form of friendship, a form of greeting and even of affection. Thats one way to deal. There are other ways that have yet to be invented. The word WOP was meant as a slur to those With - Out - Papers . Even though my grandfather was born in this country, he was called ' Johnny the Wop ' and because of his charm , hard work and veracity, gained the respect of many people within his community and beyond.  

"Young African Americans and public personalities such as Richard Pryor have taken a word that was meant to hurt their ancestors and flipped the script. Using it as a form of friendship, a form of greeting and even of affection. Thats one way to deal . " 

Every single immigrant group through the centuries has been blasphamized [ that is a new word ] There are negative names for every one and everything you can think of. Usually, hate it is taught by a rather small minded, inexperienced or uneducated person or group of people. What we don't need is a negative stereotyping of folks whom come from a place that American as a government may be at war with. During World War II , both Japanese and German Americans and immigrants were often unjustly treated. At the same time, the last thing America needs is a group of people importing aspects of a belief system which hinders the progress, growth and freedoms which America holds near and dear at its very core: The basic human right to believe what you want to believe, to love whom you want to love , how you want to love, when and where you want to love. 

A real family value is not one enforced on a neighbor, or cat called by harassment, or spray painted on a sidewalk. A real family value is for you and your family alone. Anything else is a platform, a platitude or just a performance that generally is meant to hurt someone else, but ultimately only hurts the person or group employing such a ploy. The militarization of religions, politics, ideas and other aspects of economy as well as opportunity are tearing apart the fabric of our society. Technology is a gift which is being misused to hurt, surveil and coerce. Enforcing a belief system onto another human being who is happy, contented and independent or different than ones own is a wrong headed approach. Celebrating ones religion, ones political ideas, ones freedoms does not mean that a person or group needs to bully, prove wrong or simply denigrate others. 

"In the new America, there is no room, no time, no place for the kind of small and large messages which are being sent through commentary, through dialogue, through coercion or simply through hateful ideas of color, race, religion, sex or any other way of living." 

In the new America, there is no room, no time, no place for the kind of small and large messages which are being sent through commentary, through dialogue, through coercion or simply through hateful ideas of color, race, religion, sex or any other way of living. America is a land which offers safety, opportunity and a place to believe whatever one wishes to believe. Believers, non - believers, married, single, catholic, jewish, buddhist, scientist, muslim, christian, gay, straight, carnivore, vegetarian, and any country of origin one can imagine. No one group, religion, people or place owns America. The individual person in America owns America. Those who wish to abuse their power because of their population, their goals, their ideas, their religion, their political causes are only going to set us back again. It is time for everyone to prove to their fellow Americans that , " We The people ... " is not just a phrase, but a living document.