President Obama's "End of The Cold War," Speech in Cuba and AMERICAN CORPORATIONS

President Obama's "End of The Cold War," Speech in Cuba  

Dateline March 22nd 2016 

President Obama announced The End of The Cold War between CUBA and The United States of America. As American Corporations move into Cuba, we, at the BUREAU of Arts and Culture, wish to remind these large profit seeking entities that CUBA is a Socialist system and it will need a few perks before you entirely and swiftly EXPECT to gain a profit. 

We suggest you negotiate and provide FREE Services for at least 33 percent of your expected contracts at the beginning of these terms. For instance, allow the Children and Families to have FREE Wi-FI for 120 days, before they even sign up for an extended contract for a YEAR. The same goes for cable providers, cell phones, etc… We here in Los Angeles know very well, what it is like, to live in a city, that offers much for those with finances, and delivers much less for those who do not. 

CUBA and the 11 and a Half MILLION people Need to receive FREE Services. The last thing they need, is to be offered products, objects and imaginary ideologies that will harbor feelings of, "The Haves and The Have Nots." The economy in Cuba is based on an entirely different and overall foreign island stratagem. A word to the wise. Do not expect to move into CUBA with the same force and fierce take over ideas that have failed in the past. 

And while your at it: Consider offering poor Americans a few perks, since you have not reasonably paid any AMERICAN TAXES as Corporate Entities for longer than any of us AMERICANS Can Actually Remember. Americans utilize and enjoy Your Services now we ask that you buy less billboard and radio space, from the companies you actually OWN and offer better Prices to Everyday Americans : ATT, COCA-COLA, GENERAL MOTORS,  HEWLITT-PACKARD, GE, DODGE, HONDA, MERCEDE-BENZ, VOLKSWAGON, PEPSI-COLA, FEDERAL EXPRESS, UPS, RALPHS, NESTLES, SUBWAY,STP, CHILIS, CASTROL, CHEVRON, LIPTON, VIRGIN,ZIPPO,AL MART, TOC TAC, SWISS AIR, DOMINOS, DELL, HEINEKEN, K MART, FLOWMASTER, IKEA, JACK IN THE BOX, HANES, MC DONALDS, KOOL-AID, VISA, OREO, LAYS, OCEAN SPRAY, ORAL-B, GATORADE, TORO, MITSUBISHI, NBC, FRUIT OF THE LOOM, OLD NAVY, QUAKER STATE, TACO BELL, LAND ROVER, POWER BAR, ESPN, COLGATE, CIRRUS, DIRECT TV, KODAK, to name a FEW ...

LINK TO THE FULL SPEECH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEw3H0C-Lj8  

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